Hemp oil resource

Hemp oil resource

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General Hemp Information

Industrial hemp is as a class of non-drug Cannabis sativa varieties, and hempseed is technically an achene, or nut. Both the seed and hemp's tall stalk provide significant carbohydrate feedstocks for a wide variety of industrial purposes in several countries.

The oil pressed from hempseed, in particular, is a rich source of polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for human health. These same fatty acids in hempseed oil make it a fine drying oil that is used in the production of paints, varnishes, and other coating materials. Plastic flooring such as linoleum and similar materials have been made from hempseed oil, and other non-food uses of hempseed oil are similar to those of linseed oil flaxseed oil.

Flax, of course, also has a long history as a companion species that parallels hemp in the founding of our civilizations. Unfortunately, when one reads the Latin words Cannabis sativa these days, the first thoughts that come to mind may not be of hemp, or its nutritious seed, or useful oil products, or even the durable outer bast stem fiber or the cellulose core from the stalk of this old-world plant.

These lesser-known features of Cannabis were certainly well known to Carl Linneaus when he assigned its name in The words " canvas " and " cannabis ," for example, both derive from similar-sounding words in Greek, Latin, and Arabic for the fabric and the plant from which it is made.

The second part of the Linnean binomial, sativa , comes from the Latin word sativus , which means "sown" or "cultivated. The largest obstacle that currently prevents hemp from fully participating in modern industrial agriculture is its botanical association with the drug cannabis.

In fact, the production of THC tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids is under genetic control, so it would take an ambitious breeding project to convert a hemp variety into a drug variety, much like converting a dachshund into a Doberman pinscher. In other words, it would be much easier just to start with drug Cannabis seeds, if that were the objective. Ancient Asian mariners and more recent trans-Atlantic voyagers made good use of sturdy canvas sails made from hemp fiber. Fine linens were once made from both flax and hemp, as the fibers from the male hemp plants were well known to produce the finest linens.

The oldest known paper from China was made from hemp, and many historical documents have been written and printed on paper made from hemp fibers. Even today, hemp fibers are found in such common products as tea bags, cigarette papers, and other specialty papers as well as paper currency.

The connection between Cannabis and its misuse as a drug gained official traction when the US Congress passed the Marihuana Tax Act on June 14, ; the Act included no practical exemption for hemp production. By that time, the United States was already importing most of its hempseed and fiber from countries with cheaper labor, and the timber and paper industries in the United States were completely invested in the Kraft process for making newsprint.

In , commercial wild bird feed was primarily made from hempseed, and hempseed was also pressed for oil used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, and other coatings.

Industrial-scale hemp production mostly continued in the USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and China until modern petroleum products slowly began to replace products previously made from hempseed oil and hemp fiber. At least in the days of the USSR, hempseed oil for human consumption was called "black oil," because of its high chlorophyll content, which was especially used by those who were too poor to afford butter.

Hempseed appears as an ingredient in many spices and ethnic foods from Eastern Europe, India, and most parts of Asia. A fine tofu can be easily made from just hempseed, water, and heat. The Marihuana Tax Act of had very little impact on the use of marijuana as a narcotic in the United States, if for no other reason than the Act did not penalize the possession or use of hemp, cannabis , or marijuana.

It did, though, penalize persons dealing commercially in these products. Thus, the Act effectively brought all industrial hemp production in the United States to a grinding halt by the next year. Subsequently, the United States re-introduced hemp production in for the war effort, after the Japanese had cut off hemp supplies from the Philippines and East India. After the war, US hemp production was shut down yet again.

Petroleum-based polymers quickly replaced hemp and other natural fibers in many common products such as sacks, tarps, and ropes. In just a short time, a carbohydrate culture based on agriculture quickly shifted into a culture dependent on petroleum-derived hydrocarbons. Since then, hempseed and hemp fiber production have been excluded from the technological developments enjoyed by other industrial crops. Nor have there been any advances in nutritional research pertaining to hempseed oil.

This prohibition on hemp cultivation continues to this day in the United States, even as remarkable advances are being made with medical marijuana.

In Canada marijuana is already available to registered patients for medical purposes. After years of prohibition, hemp cultivation was cautiously restarted there under heavy licensing in With eager markets in both Canada and the United States, hempseed oil and other hempseed food products remain in high demand, and the area devoted to oilseed hemp cultivation in Canada has continued to expand accordingly during this time.

The Finola oilseed variety of hemp continues to form the cornerstone of the Canadian hempseed production because of its short stature average plant height: 1.

Hempseed is a rich source of easily digestible protein ca. The remainder consists of dietary fiber, mostly from the hull, various phytosterols, oil-soluble vitamins, and trace minerals Table 1. Aside from being extremely low in saturated fats, hempseed oil is interesting in other ways. For example, hempseed oil has a higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA than most other industrial food oils Table 2. This has been known for quite a long time, as the essential omega-6 linoleic acid n-6 was first identified in hempseed oil as "sativic acid" by German chemists in More recently, presence of omega-3 stearidonic acid SDA, n-3 has been detected in hempseed oil Callaway et al.

Not only are both of the essential fatty acids EFA well represented in hempseed oil, but their direct human metabolic products, GLA and SDA, are too; the latter are not found in any other industrial oilseed crop.

As these two fatty acids are already in the oil, this enzymatic step can be bypassed, so they contribute more directly to the downstream production of other omega-6 and omega-3 metabolites. Perhaps the really good news for consumers is that good-quality cold-pressed hempseed oil has an excellent taste that resembles walnuts and sunflower seeds.

When the seeds are toasted, a savory umami flavor develops somewhere between that of bacon and fried prawns. Moreover, the balance of EFA in hempseed is considerably more nearly optimal than in most other industrial food oils, in terms of having a relatively low omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. In this regard, hempseed oil is more like rapeseed oil also known as canola oil , yet it is still much higher in polyunsaturates.

Taken together, these factors at least partly explain a remarkable number of anecdotal benefits from consuming daily hempseed oil, for example, especially marked improvements in skin, hair, and nail quality, as these fatty acids are integral in cell membrane formation and functions at the molecular level.

Studies at the University of Kuopio, Finland, have investigated some of the properties, and particularly the improvements in skin quality for patients that suffer from atopic dermatitis i. Improvements in strength of both hair and nail thickness are also attributed to daily use of dietary hempseed oil. The high level of PUFA in hempseed oil is certainly a plus for health, but a considerable drawback for deep frying, not only because there is an increased risk of peroxide and trans fat formation, but also because hempseed oil has a relatively low flash point and will burn well once it is ignited.

Also, the shelf life of hempseed oil tends to be rather short, because this high level of unsaturation provides more opportunity for oxidation with atmospheric oxygen. Ideally, as a food, hempseed oil is cold pressed from fresh, clean, good-quality seed and then stored in a cool, dark place before, during, and after processing.

Unfortunately, much of the hempseed oil that is currently available in North America is distributed in plastic containers to reduce the costs of both production and shipping of this niche crop. Oil purchased in plastic is more susceptible to degradation with time. With a small amount of effort, the interested buyer will typically find hempseed oil in glass bottles on the European markets.

To this day, the US government continues to define hemp as the stalks and fiber of the marijuana plant, and has decided not to recognize any of the varieties that are extremely low in drug content. An analogous situation exists for poppy seed, which is legal in the United States; the seed always contains some measurable amount of morphine, but these amounts are not of sufficient concentration for drug purposes. Due to the burden of Cannabis prohibition, there has been very little development or innovation in hemp or hempseed production during the last 70 years, and almost no research on hempseed nutrition since its incorporation into Chinese medicine thousands of years ago.

It is, in essence, an orphan crop when we consider the present situation of food production in Europe and North America. While this situation began to change with the reintroduction of hemp to Canadian agriculture in , the subsidy scheme for hemp in the European Union continues to favor the production of hemp fiber and not hempseed.

What few results we now have from hempseed research tend to contradict the politically narrow horizon that the United States has offered the world. Fortunately, hempseed oil and other hempseed food products are legally available in the United States, either from the shelves of some natural food stores or when ordered directly online from Canada.

Viable hempseed, however, remains illegal in the United States. Leaving political rhetoric aside, there is plenty of convincing scientific evidence to show that hempseed is one of the most nutritious products that can be produced by modern industrial agriculture.

As a grain, it fits into the mechanized infrastructure without retooling. Apparently, the only remaining change that needs to be made is to convince US policymakers that hemp is not dangerous. Contact him via email at callaway finola. Callaway, J. Pate, Occurrence of "omega-3" stearidonic acid cis -6,9,12,octadecatetraenoic acid in hemp Cannabis sativa L. Schwab, I. Harvimaa, P. Halonen, O. Callaway and David W. Edited by Robert A. See a review of the book on page In This Section Previous Next.

March Industrial hemp is as a class of non-drug Cannabis sativa varieties, and hempseed is technically an achene, or nut. Our historic foundations were built on the fibers of hemp Ancient Asian mariners and more recent trans-Atlantic voyagers made good use of sturdy canvas sails made from hemp fiber.

Summary To this day, the US government continues to define hemp as the stalks and fiber of the marijuana plant, and has decided not to recognize any of the varieties that are extremely low in drug content.

Just take a quick assessment and get started today. LEARN MORE. 4 sources. If you've seen CBD hemp oil advertised and don't know what it is, then this as it is considered one of the best plant protein sources around.

There is a significant interest in the development of therapies and other consumer products derived from cannabis and its components, including cannabidiol CBD. FDA recognizes the potential opportunities that cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds may offer and acknowledges the significant interest in these possibilities. The agency is committed to protecting the public health while also taking steps to improve the efficiency of regulatory pathways for the lawful marketing of appropriate cannabis and cannabis-derived products.

Cannabidiol CBD has been recently covered in the media, and you may have even seen it as an add-in booster to your post-workout smoothie or morning coffee. What exactly is CBD?

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Hemp Oil

The rates of serious and debilitating diseases continue to soar throughout the United States. Considering the dangerous and sometimes deadly side effects of many popular prescription drug therapies for these conditions, it is no surprise that many people are interested in natural cures and treatment options. If you have been considering the use of CBD oil to treat a health condition or simply have a greater overall sense of well-being, you will find our many resources here at BestCBDOils. A vast array of endocannabinoids and receptors that host them are found throughout the entire human body. They are present in the brain, digestive tract, internal organs, connective tissues, and immune cells.

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Industrial hemp is as a class of non-drug Cannabis sativa varieties, and hempseed is technically an achene, or nut. Both the seed and hemp's tall stalk provide significant carbohydrate feedstocks for a wide variety of industrial purposes in several countries. The oil pressed from hempseed, in particular, is a rich source of polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for human health. These same fatty acids in hempseed oil make it a fine drying oil that is used in the production of paints, varnishes, and other coating materials. Plastic flooring such as linoleum and similar materials have been made from hempseed oil, and other non-food uses of hempseed oil are similar to those of linseed oil flaxseed oil. Flax, of course, also has a long history as a companion species that parallels hemp in the founding of our civilizations. Unfortunately, when one reads the Latin words Cannabis sativa these days, the first thoughts that come to mind may not be of hemp, or its nutritious seed, or useful oil products, or even the durable outer bast stem fiber or the cellulose core from the stalk of this old-world plant. These lesser-known features of Cannabis were certainly well known to Carl Linneaus when he assigned its name in The words " canvas " and " cannabis ," for example, both derive from similar-sounding words in Greek, Latin, and Arabic for the fabric and the plant from which it is made. The second part of the Linnean binomial, sativa , comes from the Latin word sativus , which means "sown" or "cultivated.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a promising cannabinoid most abundantly found in agriculturally grown hemp; a plant that has been used for over 10, years and is revered as one of the most versatile plants in the history of the Earth. It has been recognized for its benefits on human and animal health and can affect nearly every biological process.

Hemp oil hemp seed oil is oil obtained by pressing hemp seeds. Cold pressed, unrefined hemp oil is dark to clear light green in color, with a nutty flavor.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

CBD Cannabidiol is a chemical compound that comes from the hemp plant. It is one of over 85 unique compounds found in hemp, known as cannabinoids. Thousands of people take CBD for relief of a variety of symptoms or to promote overall wellbeing. Your body naturally produces its own cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids. These beneficial chemical help your body maintain balance in many ways by tapping into receptors found throughout your brain and body. Phytocannabinoids are plant-based compounds that mimic these natural chemicals, connecting with the same receptors and supplementing your system to restore balance. CBD is extracted and separated from specific varieties of cannabis. CBD is a compound that can be found in both psychoactive cannabis marijuana and non-psychoactive cannabis hemp. However, most legal CBD products that you find on the market will be extracts from hemp, as federal law allows for the cultivation, processing and marketing of hemp and hemp products. This central system helps to keep our bodies balanced day to day, including: anxiety , appetite, pain sensation, mood, memory, immune system functions, and inflammation control. If anything, people who try CBD report feeling more relaxed and, often, more focused. This may be related to why CBD seems to reduce symptoms of anxiety for so many people. Scientific research and consumer reports that have been published in recent years suggest CBD supplements helps in many ways including:.

Cannabidiol (CBD) — what we know and what we don’t

July 29, PM Category: Uncategorized. Liquid MaxCBD products are excellent for dogs and horses! You can find an assortment of methods to incorporate jojoba oil on your hair routine. The dog had endured several ailments and nothing had ever been in a position to help him. Although your hemp oil dosage ought to be big enough to manage the pain, you want to make informed decisions concerning it. Hempseed oil is a wonderful resource for GLA and ceramides. It offers nutrition that is powerful and will be used topically in addition to internally. It can be purchased at your regional food store and is traditionally employed in cooking products or topical items like soaps and lotions. It also contains a certain amount of protein within it.

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