Hemp cbd oil during pregnancy

Hemp cbd oil during pregnancy

Many women wonder if they could still use CBD oil during pregnancy, with their biggest cause of worry being its potential side effects and risks, especially for the unborn child. Pregnancy is as beautiful as can be, but it usually comes with unpleasant side effects, such as anxiety, insomnia, cramping, headaches, back pain, stress, depression, morning sickness, and much more. Needless to say, these symptoms can cause great discomfort and affect your quality of life. The good news is that several CBD oil studies have shown that it can help support most of these symptoms, which is why more and more expecting women have become curious about using it. This begs the question: is CBD oil use safe for expectant mothers?

Are you pregnant, considering pregnancy, or breastfeeding?

The recent increase in legalized recreational marijuana sales demonstrates the critical need to come with a strong warning for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Women who use marijuana during pregnancy report doing so in order to reduce the effects of morning sickness and anxiety or for social reasons. As nurses with years of experience caring for women, mothers, and babies, we know the value of prevention in fostering positive pregnancy outcomes. It is not an easy task to care for a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and have a family already riddled with guilt and anguish, wondering what they could have potentially done differently to have a more positive birth outcome.

Mothers, as well as health care providers, need to ensure all mothers experience a safe pregnancy and positive outcomes for themselves and their children. The United States continues to experience the worst pregnancy-related outcomes compared to other developed nations. For decades, leading experts have strongly warned about the effects of cigarette smoking and second-hand smoke exposure on adverse pregnancy outcomes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control , smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth along with other adverse consequences after delivery, such as sudden infant death syndrome. Experts say that smoking prevention offers one of the greatest protections against these and other adverse pregnancy outcomes.

The study also shows that THC negatively impacts placental and fetal growth. Hemp plants contain extremely low levels of THC. Both marijuana and hemp plants can be used to derive cannabidiol CBD.

CBD , unlike marijuana, does not produce a high effect, and its recent use has been reported in a number of products like food, cosmetic and supplements. CBD oil has also been reported to reduce nausea, and pain, improve sleep and to elevate mood. CBD in all its forms oils, lotions, capsules and foods has yet to be proven safe for use in any amount.

Pregnant women who use marijuana or CBD products may be doing so because they believe that it is more natural than using chemically compounded medications for treating morning sickness and nausea. Colorado and California are among the first states requiring warning labels on medical and recreational marijuana products for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

In addition to the warning labels, Michigan is also proposing that informational pamphlets be provided with the number to the Poison Control Hotline for edibles like gummies and other products in case they are accidentally ingested. In order to protect the health and well-being of babies and mothers everywhere, a strong national educational campaign needs to outline the adverse effects of all forms of marijuana and cannabinoid containing products.

Health care providers need to be explicit in screenings of pregnant and breastfeeding women about the use of cannabinoid containing substance use in all of its forms, similar to what is done regarding alcohol, smoking, and other drugs.

If they identify marijuana or CBD use, they can provide cessation information along with recommendations for FDA-approved cessation support measures.

International Board Certified Lactation Consultants need to establish strong partnerships with providers for ongoing screening and education during lactation. The increased social acceptability of and accessibility to marijuana and marijuana-related products calls for greater public awareness, especially for women of childbearing age and all pregnant women. The Surgeon General has issued a clarion call for stronger awareness, emphasizing that no amount of marijuana or cannabinoid containing substances are safe during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Efforts to reverse the high rates of maternal and infant mortality among women would be incomplete without a stronger emphasis on the known and unknown effects of all cannabis-containing substances, including recreational marijuana. Christie Lawrence, R. Janice Phillips, R. View the discussion thread. Skip to main content. Pot and pregnancy: Are CBD warnings strong enough? Don't miss a brief. Sign up for our daily email. Your Email. Contributors Become a Contributor.

In this article, we'll dive into how CBD oil, hemp, and cannabis can affect a pregnant woman and her baby, as well as CBD oil's potential effects. While there's scant research on the use of CBD oil during pregnancy, experts say to avoid it. The American College of Obstetricians and.

Pregnancy can be both a beautiful and uncomfortable experience. Many expecting mothers experience cramping, insomnia, anxiety, morning sickness, and many more symptoms throughout the course of their pregnancy. This oil is made from one of the active compounds in the hemp plant known as cannabidiol — CBD. But exactly what is CBD oil?

CBD oil is touted online as a one-stop remedy for relieving inflammation, stress, anxiety, nausea , and more. Many of those ailments could be symptoms of pregnancy, but you may want to do a bit of research before giving it a try.

It would be during pregnancy, right? We ourselves cannot give any medical advice, but we can look at what research says so far about CBD oil and pregnancy. CBD oil is a nutritional supplement, containing cannabidiol CBD , a naturally occurring molecule found in hemp.

CBD Oil: Is It Safe to Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding?

CBD and pregnancy are one of the most searched phrases on the internet, and that is actually not so strange. Pregnancy is both a joyful and dreaded moment for women. The thought of going through exhilarating pain combined with the joy of bringing a new life into the world can be an almost overwhelming experience for many women. Not surprisingly many women consider taking CBD for some of the side effects of pregnancy but finding information about CBD and pregnancy are very hard to come by and very confusing. On one hand, are there any risks involved for the baby and on the other hand CBD can alleviate back pain, morning sickness, insomnia, and headaches that are synonymous during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the immune system goes down, hence increasing the risk of developing complications.

Pot and pregnancy: Are CBD warnings strong enough?

The recent increase in legalized recreational marijuana sales demonstrates the critical need to come with a strong warning for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Women who use marijuana during pregnancy report doing so in order to reduce the effects of morning sickness and anxiety or for social reasons. As nurses with years of experience caring for women, mothers, and babies, we know the value of prevention in fostering positive pregnancy outcomes. It is not an easy task to care for a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and have a family already riddled with guilt and anguish, wondering what they could have potentially done differently to have a more positive birth outcome. Mothers, as well as health care providers, need to ensure all mothers experience a safe pregnancy and positive outcomes for themselves and their children. The United States continues to experience the worst pregnancy-related outcomes compared to other developed nations. For decades, leading experts have strongly warned about the effects of cigarette smoking and second-hand smoke exposure on adverse pregnancy outcomes. According to the Centers for Disease Control , smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth along with other adverse consequences after delivery, such as sudden infant death syndrome.

CBD oil seems to be all the rage these days as a treatment for a whole range of ailments, including stress and pain.

Cannabis and Cannabis-derived products have become increasingly available in recent years, with new and different types of products appearing all the time. These products raise questions and concerns for many consumers. And if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you might have even more questions about whether these products are safe for you.

Don't use CBD oil for pregnancy and labour pains, warns MUHC doctor

MONTREAL -- As some mothers-to-be search for alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs and epidurals to get them through the pains of labour, one recent trend is weeding its way into conversation. With marijuana-derived products hitting the legal market in recent years, experts say pregnant women are increasingly musing over the possibility of using cannabidiol CBD to relieve anxiety around the big day, and potentially even quell the torment of active contractions. CBD, one of the active ingredients in marijuana plants, has often been touted as a natural alternative to relieve pain, anxiety and other disorders. Unlike its brother component, tetrahydrocannabinol THC , experts say it does not give consumers the feeling of being high. It's very difficult to find a pure, per cent cannabidiol. Gobbi notes there is a lot of ongoing research on CBD and its ability to curb pain in animals, but there isn't enough concrete scientific evidence that proves it works the same way for humans. Though some advocates suggest CBD and hemp have been used for centuries in countries like India and Tibet — as well as by Vikings and medieval Germans — to naturally induce labour and ease pain, Gobbi insists there is no modern proof that it is safe for baby. Currently, the Food and Drug Administration FDA "strongly advises" against the use of any marijuana products during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. A new Ontario study published in the journal Scientific Reports suggests that cannabis use during pregnancy may affect fetus growth. Related Stories In Canada, some moms say cannabis makes them better parents. California calls pot smoke, THC a risk to moms-to-be.

Is CBD Safe During Pregnancy?

Read More. Some studies have shown that the use of cannabis during pregnancy and when breastfeeding may result in fetal growth and development issues. There are alternatives to using cannabis during pregnancy for treating morning sickness, anxiety, or pain. Please speak to your health care provider about your other options. Until we have more definitive answers, not using cannabis or CBD during pregnancy or when breastfeeding is the safest option for you and your baby. Cannabis in all forms may affect your baby's brain development and may result in learning and behavioural issues that last throughout their life. Some studies have shown that the use of cannabis during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding, may be associated with increased risk for the following issues:. Not using cannabis during pregnancy and while breastfeeding is the safest option for you and your baby until we know more. To learn more, please visit: Nausea and Vomiting. We use cookies to improve functionality and performance.

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