Endocannabinoid System and CBD

Endocannabinoid System and CBD

Powered by Shopify. The outlines of the ECS emerged during the s and 70s, from research into the effects of cannabis on the human body. Although research focused primarily on humans and other mammals, it turned out that we share these neurochemicals with most members of the animal kingdom, including mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, and even sea urchins. For now, here is a brief introduction to this vital system Neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are chemical messengers of the nervous system.

CBD: Benefits for Your Endocannabinoid System

We've reopened our online seed store. Official Announcement. Composed of cannabinoid receptors that are found throughout the body , with greatest concentrations in the central and peripheral nervous system and in the immune system, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for controlling a variety of bodily functions , including sleep, mood, temperature, immune response, perception of pain and pleasure, fertility, memory and appetite.

In some cases, however, the endocannabinoid system can't solve the problem on its own, which can lead to a number of chronic conditions. Contrary to most bodily systems including the digestive and nervous systems, the endocannabinoid system was discovered only recently , in the early s. The uniqueness of the endocannabinoid system lies in its main function.

To take one example, the endocannabinoid system will keep heartbeat and body temperature within a set range regardless of whether it's cold or hot, or whether you're doing sport. Thus, if external conditions change — let's say that temperature rises — the endocannabinoid system will force the body to sweat helping it cool down. In the example before, we looked at overheating during sport, but there are a number of other bodily functions that benefit from working within a healthy range of values.

Some of the functions that are regulated by the endocannabinoid system include:. Thus, if a swollen area is detected, it can focus on the affected area without interfering with other systems, which could lead to uncontrolled reactions. These two cannabinoids, however, have very different ways of interacting:. FAAH enzymes have the ability to degrade anandamide but are not as effective against THC, which is why the "high" lasts longer.

When describing the endocannabinoid system, there is a tendency to forget that besides receptors and neurotransmitters, regulating enzymes play also a big part in its functioning. That said, it has been found that CBD is actually quite a weak inhibitor of FAAH enzymes, meaning its effects cannot be entirely, or even largely, attributed to its interaction with enzymes.

In fact, CBD plays a part in 60 different molecular pathways involving serotonin receptors, immune system receptors and TRP receptors cell sensors that detect changes in the environment , among others.

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Remember that we're also with you through our blog, social media, and newsletters. Categories Categories x. Cannabis contains active compounds known as cannabinoids. CBD has in fact been found to counter the psychoactive effects of THC, including the anxiety associated with over-consumption.

How does the endocannabinoid system work? The prefix "endo", instead, means "endogenous", referring to the fact that the cannabinoids are produced in the body.

So far, two main endocannabinoids have been identified: anandamide and 2-AG. Just like the external cannabinoids contained in cannabis, endocannabinoids have the ability to bind to cannabinoid receptors, which allows them to communicate with a number of bodily systems, resorting balance where required.

The two main types of cannabinoid receptors in the body are known as CB1 and CB2. Which bodily functions are regulated by the endocannabinoid system? How does CBD affect the endocannabinoid system? These two cannabinoids, however, have very different ways of interacting: - Just like the endocannabinoid anandamide, THC binds to CB1 receptors in the brain , with the difference that while anandamide has a calming effect on the brain, THC is psychoactive.

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What's unique about CBD, unlike it's counterpart THC, is how it interacts with the Endocannabinoid system. Unlike traditional marijuana (THC). How Does CBD Affect the Endocannabinoid System? CBD and Cannabinoid Receptors; Cannabinoid Receptor Type 1 (CB1); Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2.

It was medical marijuana laws that changed the legal status of cannabis nationwide, opening the doors for an adult-use market and creating a path towards full legalization. Cannabis patients across the country have used the plant to treat a growing number of medical conditions. How does cannabis address so many different conditions? How does the body interact with the plant to produce these medicinal effects? What research has been to done to demonstrate the efficacy of medicinal cannabis?

The following information is presented for educational purposes only. Medical Marijuana Inc.

We've reopened our online seed store. Official Announcement.

CBD and Your Endocannabinoid System, Explained

Nothing Found for " ". Cannabidiol CBD may be the second-most-prominent compound of the cannabis plant, but these days, it's certainly the most talked about among the general population. Though slightly less dominant and historically less sought after than its high-inducing counterpart, THC , CBD has become a major trend not just in the cannabis industry, but also in health and wellness, food, and even cosmetic products. Budding mainstream interest in CBD, combined with mounting evidence detailing its therapeutic benefits, has made us all curious about this non-intoxicating cannabinoid and what it can do for us. Though we have a long way to go in mastering the science of CBD and unlocking its full medicinal potential, we do have a working understanding of how CBD molecules interact with the body's endocannabinoid system ECS to produce a variety of therapeutic benefits.

The Endocannabinoid System:

Cannabis has been at the center of one of the most exciting—and underreported—developments in modern science. The discovery of receptors in the brain that respond pharmacologically to cannabis—and the subsequent identification of endogenous cannabinoid compounds in our own bodies that bind to these receptors—has significantly advanced our understanding of human biology, health, and disease. It is an established scientific fact that cannabinoids and other components of cannabis can modulate many physiological systems in the human brain and body. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that trigger cannabinoid and other receptors. More than cannabinoids have been identified in the marijuana plant. In addition to cannabinoids produced by the plant, there are endogenous cannabinoids such as anandamide and 2AG that occur naturally in the mammalian brain and body, as well as synthetic cannabinoids created by pharmaceutical researchers. Extensive preclinical research—much of it sponsored by the U. CBD directly activates serotonin receptors, causing an anti-anxiety effect, as well.

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Recent science has found that the endocannabinoid system does not just respond to the endocannabinoids produced in the body, but also respond to external cannabinoids like the phytocannabinoid cannabidiol, or CBD. Introducing CBD to the body can help reduce the symptoms of a wide range of illnesses including epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, chronic inflammation, depression, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, anxiety, and opioid withdrawal.

How Does CBD Affect the Endocannabinoid System?

After several decades of research, scientists studying the effects of marijuana made several important discoveries. Not only did they identify the active ingredient in marijuana, they also discovered where and how it works in the brain—via a new system they called the endocannabinoid EC system. The EC system—named after the marijuana plant Cannabis sativa and its active ingredient deltatetrahydrocannabinol THC —is a unique communications system in the brain and body that affects many important functions, including how a person feels, moves, and reacts. The natural chemicals produced by the body that interact within the EC system are called cannabinoids, and like THC, they interact with receptors to regulate these important body functions. Review Figure 1 and the steps below to take a closer look at the components of the EC system, how it works, and the effects of THC. Typically, the chemicals called neurotransmitters are released from a neuron a presynaptic cell , travel across a small gap the synapse , and then attach to specific receptors located on a nearby neuron postsynaptic cell. This spurs the receiving neuron into action, triggering a set of events that allows the message to be passed along. Then they are released from that cell and travel backward to the presynaptic neuron, where they attach to cannabinoid receptors. So why is this important? Since cannabinoids act on presynaptic cells, they can control what happens next when these cells are activated. When a person smokes marijuana, THC overwhelms the EC system, quickly attaching to cannabinoid receptors throughout the brain and body. This interferes with the ability of natural cannabinoids to do their job of fine-tuning communication between neurons, which can throw the entire system off balance. Refer to Figure 2 to see areas of the brain with cannabinoid receptors , then locate those areas on the chart to study some of the different effects of THC on the user. Figure 2: Locations of Cannabinoid Receptors in the Brain. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Endocannabinoid System

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