Hemp cbd oil menstrual cramps

Hemp cbd oil menstrual cramps

Going through your monthly menstrual cycle is not a fun time, for many reasons. Not only does it hamper many of your routine activities, such as going to the gym, but you also have to walk around in constant use of hygienic products, and worse yet, many women experience pain. For some women, the pain suffered from menstrual cramps can pose a real problem. There are quite a few ways to try and cope with menstrual cramps. You can try taking a hot bath, using a heating pad, even getting a massage or drinking some green tea. Below, we are going to take a closer look at this and how and why you could use CBD for period cramps.

I Tried 7 Cannabis Products For Cramps & Here's What Worked

Powered by Shopify. If this sounds like your monthly ritual, you are not alone. More and more women are reporting that CBD and THC products are the best tools they have for treating painful periods. Then, after you ovulated, and the boost of progesterone helped plump up that tissue with arteries and blood — prepping to give a warm welcome to an incoming embryo … or in this case to prepare for menstruation.

Without progesterone, the endometrium loses its protection — creating a domino effect, and the perfect conditions for inflammation. While your progesterone was declining, inflammatory chemicals called prostaglandins were increasing. They're essential for a healthy, functioning menstrual cycle.

However, numerous studies indicate that women with higher levels of prostaglandins also have more painful or heavier periods — and treatments that lower prostaglandin levels can be highly effective. This means that NSAIDs could potentially decrease all the symptoms aggravated by prostaglandins — including inflammation, contractions and pain. For this reason, NSAIDs should be used with moderation, and people with certain digestive issues might want to avoid them entirely.

By decreasing prostaglandin levels during your period, you can reduce inflammation, pain and cramps. However, you cannot entirely eliminate prostaglandins. This means that you could benefit from combining a prostaglandin-reducing treatment with other treatments that target the discomforts caused by prostaglandins. CBD and other cannabinoids can also treat painful menstrual cramps in the following ways:.

Many women are shocked and surprised to experience how effective cannabinoids are at relieving menstrual cramps especially cannabinoid suppositories. But the science is pretty clear about why: CBD targets the cause — inflammatory prostaglandins — while also relieving the symptoms especially with help from a little THC. Perhaps this is why women and people who bleed have been using cannabis to treat period pain for millennia.

Though there are increasing numbers of doctors and scientists who know why cannabinoids work to relieve menstrual cramps, many more of them are only just beginning to hear from their female patients about how well cannabinoids work for their periods. Moore PhD. Older Post Newer Post. I have endometriosis and recently started using these. My life has been changed because of these. I recommend them to everyone all the time! Really Informative blog. I just want to add another benefits of Cannabis for PMS.

Headaches are also the most common problem that women suffer during PMS. Research suggests that cannabis may help alleviate them too. Cannabis can help reduce monthly migraines. We all know that cannabis affects our mood. And when it comes to PMS, that can be a really good thing. In fact, studies show that cannabis may help people dealing with the emotional stress of mental issues such as anxiety and depression. I hope the information will be useful to your readers.

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Is it safe while breastfeeding? Thank you. I will try almost anything for painful periods. Contact our customer service team here. If you have questions, comments or feedback about any of Foria's products, please contact customer service above.

Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Eden Partners does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act. The company does sell and distribute products that contain hemp-derived ingredients.

You are advised to consult with your health care practitioner prior to use. Please visit our full Terms of Use page for more information on the terms and conditions governing your use of this website. Cart 0 products in your cart. Edit Cart Continue browsing. Loading results. Aug 11, 9 Comments. Should I take CBD oil for period cramps? How do CBD and ibuprofen compare? How can I get the best benefits from CBD oil for my period?

Prostaglandins: Inflaming the Uterus While your progesterone was declining, inflammatory chemicals called prostaglandins were increasing. Pain sensitization : prostaglandins and other inflammatory compounds can actually prime pain-perceiving nerves to become more sensitive. Vasoconstriction : the prostaglandins rampant during menstruation cause blood vessels to constrict, inhibiting blood flow to the endometrial tissue.

Heavy bleeding : Unusually heavy periods could result from excessive inflammation, which increases tissue damage. People with heavy bleeding have higher levels of the enzyme the produces prostaglandins COX-2 , and medications to combat this process can decrease menstruation. Diarrhea : In addition to uterus contractions, prostaglandins also trigger smooth muscle contractions in the digestive tract — which might push your last few meals out a bit too soon.

CBD: a Better Alternative? Additional Cannabinoid Benefits By decreasing prostaglandin levels during your period, you can reduce inflammation, pain and cramps. CBD and other cannabinoids can also treat painful menstrual cramps in the following ways: Anti-inflammatory: Cannabinoids have many anti-inflammatory activities beyond reducing production of inflammatory prostaglandins.

When these receptors are activated, they prevent macrophages from releasing inflammatory proteins cytokines. Pain-relieving: Although prostaglandins and other inflammatory molecules can make pain-perceiving nerves more sensitive, cannabinoids fight back by desensitizing these nerves.

Muscle-relaxing : Menstrual cramps are exacerbated by contractions of the smooth muscle lining the uterus — and cannabinoids are widely recognized to relax smooth muscles. Vascular-relaxing : Blood vessels are also lined with smooth muscle, and when cannabinoids trigger this smooth muscle to relax, blood flow increases.

Increased blood flow could help provide relief to oxygen-starved tissues, further decreasing painful cramps. Heat increases blood flow to the area, which soothes the overworked muscles and delivers oxygen to oxygen-starved tissues. Some scientists also think that heat desensitizes the same pain receptors that CBD works on. Fish oil : Interestingly enough, multiple studies have demonstrated that daily fish oil supplements decrease pain and reliance on NSAIDs during periods.

It turns out that prostaglandins are synthesized from omega fatty acids, and a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids could shift your body away from producing inflammatory prostaglandins. Magnesium : Do you ever crave chocolate around this time of the month?

Women who take magnesium supplements during their periods have reduced pain and reduced inflammatory prostaglandin levels. Foods like chocolate, lentils and avocados are high in magnesium — so go ahead and feed the craving. Your doctor can help you determine if there are surgical or hormonal treatments that could be more effective. Finding Relief With Cannabinoid Suppositories Many women are shocked and surprised to experience how effective cannabinoids are at relieving menstrual cramps especially cannabinoid suppositories.

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CBD and hemp brands are marketing their products for managing pain and period CBD tincture for PMS period cramps and endometriosis. I could replace my blood with CBD oil and I would still have intense cramps. CBD oil can support menstrual cramps, PMS and other cycle woes, including mood Derived from the hemp plant, CBD may provide calming benefits without a.

But one of the hottest new PMS solutions out there? Cannabis products for menstrual cramps. Actually, people have been using marijuana to deal with menstrual pain for a long time — Queen Victoria was even said to employ the help of Mary Jane for just this purpose. Now, with marijuana legalization taking America by storm, more people are finding the relief they need from painful menstrual cramps and honestly pretty much every other medical condition you can think of.

Ethan Russo.

Women know when their menstrual period is due. The alert is mild for some women, severe for others. Menstrual cramps dysmenorrhea throb in the lower abdomen before and during their periods.

CBD Oil for Menstrual Cramps (PMS)? What It Is and How It Works

When I was a teenager, I used to get debilitating periods. My mood would swing by the hour and I was having to change my tampon an alarming number of times a day. Not the best situation for a girl who is just trying to survive middle school. My gynecologist eventually put me on the pill and the majority of my period symptoms went away. But with the pill, other side effects arose.

Cannabinoids & Your Period

When it comes to reproductive wellness, most hemp brands in the space have traditionally focused on two things: CBD for menstrual cramps and lube for sexy time. But a new wave of hemp-based products aims to address a broader range of menstrual and vaginal health concerns, with formulas designed for everything from hormonal mood swings and insomnia to UTIs and yeast infections. The same goes for many of the herbs included in the aforementioned products. CBD is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, and inflammation is connected to a variety of reproductive health concerns. CBD is also believed to support the endocannabinoid system —an internal network of receptors and chemical messengers that helps the body maintain homeostasis in the face of environmental stressors. This is where CBD can come into play. But the latest round of CBD-infused reproductive wellness products combine the cannabinoid with other herbal ingredients that are supposed to promote a healthy menstrual cycle. These two ingredients are associated with improved reproductive health, reduced PMS symptoms, and less cramping, says Annie Miller, botanist, product developer and herb cultivator at Ned. Unlike the other above-mentioned products, Happy Clam is meant to be applied directly to your labia and vagina, which could be irritating.

CBD oil for menstrual cramps is a sizzling hot topic. Several states have legalized marijuana use, and hemp-derived products are now legal in the U.

Powered by Shopify. If this sounds like your monthly ritual, you are not alone. More and more women are reporting that CBD and THC products are the best tools they have for treating painful periods.

Can CBD Oil Help With the Pain of Menstrual Cramps?

For me, menstruation can bring a dreadful host of unpleasant symptoms. From emotional sensitivity to food cravings and menstrual cramps , I notice a variety of symptoms approximately every 28 days. That said, I started cycle syncing and taking CBD back in In the weeks before menstruation, estrogen increases and the uterus builds up its tissue. Then, menstruation begins and the uterus contracts to help expel its lining. The uterine muscle contractions are triggered by hormone-like substances called prostaglandins , which are vital to the contractions in the uterus that occur during labor. They also help with inflammatory signaling and constrict blood vessels around the uterus to help prepare for birth. Unfortunately, the uterus appears not to discriminate between a baby and simple uterine lining… Thus, the monthly suffering. Higher levels of prostaglandins can be associated with more intense menstrual cramps. As some women know, cramps can not only be unpleasant, but they can also interfere with personal and professional life. But research in the last decade may point to its potential for interacting with the endocannabinoid system to help modulate pain and inflammation.

Prone to PMS or period cramps? CBD wants to help

Visit from Aunt Flo. Moon Time. No matter what you call your period, it is something most women have to face about every 28 days. With that time of the month comes an abundance of uncomfortable symptoms. Since women are still discouraged from openly talking about their bodies, it can be challenging to find natural remedies that support your menstrual cycle. Using cannabis to treat PMS dates back to 16th-century Chinese medical texts , so why should today be any different? Instead, CBD not only combats the psychoactive effects of THC, but also relieves pain, reduces inflammation and beyond. In addition to a myriad of other health benefits like improving your sleep or enhancing your sex life , CBD will help you say sayonara to PMS. CBD is the ultimate natural cure for healing inflamed areas like breasts, stomach and low back.

Ladies, Try CBD Oil for Your Menstrual Cramps and Other Monthly Symptoms.

CBD for Period Cramps: Medical Benefits, Studies, and Dosage

CBD for Menstrual Cramps

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