Should hemp cbd oil be refrigerated

Should hemp cbd oil be refrigerated

But when it comes to determining the shelf life, the answer is not that easy. How long CBD oil — or any cannabis concentrate for that matter — will last depends on a number of factors. These can range from the quality and classification of the starting material to the packaging and storage of the final product. Taking proper care of your CBD products will help to preserve their cannabinoid content, as well as the quality of their other natural constituents.

How to Properly Store Your CBD Oil (and other CBD products)

So to make sure your CBD products are not compromised, always keep them in a place where these elements are well controlled. Here are a few things you need to remember when it comes to storing CBD products:.

Prolonged exposure to heat will definitely ruin your stash of hemp oil supplements and other CBD products. CBD oil does not have to be refrigerated, however, if you live in a hot, humid place it is a good idea to store it inside the fridge.

The low temperature inside the fridge might thicken your CBD oil, so if this happens, just place the bottle under warm water and it should be ready for consumption in a few minutes. Another thing to avoid is leaving your CBD products in the car.

It could get really hot in there, and this condition could cause the cannabinoids to degrade and lose some of its therapeutic properties.

Like other similar neutraceuticals, CBD products and other hemp oil supplements could lose their efficacy when exposed to direct sunlight. Store in a dark cool place, away from open windows.

The packaging may look beautiful, but being in a clear bottle means its cannabinoid content will degrade more quickly due to the extra light exposure.

Who remembers this old Sam Adams commercial? What they talk about here is exactly what happens to cannabidiol products…. Oxygen can also contribute to the breakdown of natural cannabinoids, and could leave your precious CBD products less effective. This is why they usually come in air-tight containers that are specifically designed to keep the contents protected from air exposure.

Also, be sure to only buy CBD oil which comes in a completely sealed container. If the seal is broken, ask for a new one. Outside of the refrigerator, you can still expect a year shelf life if stored away from light, heat, and humidity. Typically, a CBD supplement gets used far before it nears the end of its shelf life. In general, hemp oil has an aromatic and herbal smell. However, there are endless formulations out there that can affect the scent. Depending on the product, it could smell like olive oil, mint leaves, or any number of essential oils that may be used.

CBD products and other hemp oil supplements usually last a year, if properly stored. Proper storage can definitely prevent degradation of cannabinoids and make sure you get the most out of them. However, you also have to consider other factors, like the method of preparation, ingredients used, and the actual finished product.

CBD and hemp extracts typically have carrier oils, for example, and the shelf life of the product can be influenced by these base oils. If you choose to cook or bake with your hemp oil supplements, these can also contain perishable ingredients. These would expire more quickly, than say, capsules and oils, and would have the same storage requirements as their non-CBD versions.

Justine Lopez is an advocate for a positive and healthy lifestyle that improves physical and mental wellness. She is part of the editorial team of MadebyHemp. Disclosure: The articles that I submitted first appeared on MadeByhemp. Republish This Story. All Citizen Truth original articles are licensed under a Creative Commons license provided you credit Citizen Truth and provide an active backlink.

Sign In Create New Account. Justine Lopez July 15, Photo: YouTube screenshot Pssst, while you're here Justine Lopez Justine Lopez is an advocate for a positive and healthy lifestyle that improves physical and mental wellness.

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Common carrier liquids are coconut oil, MCT oil, olive oil, and hemp seed oil. So all you need to do is store your CBD oil in the same way as you would store. Whether or not you keep your CBD oil refrigerated is more a matter of preference than it is a matter of quality control. If you're wondering if CBD oil should be refrigerated, you're probably Medihemp Company Profile--logo.

Ask Cheri:. Great questions Jodi. Take it away Joy! Everything we consume has a shelf-life, including CBD oil.

Due to its powerful healing properties , CBD oil has become immensely popular.

Occasionally we hear from people who say that tried Hemp CBD Oil with no results, only to discover when they send a photograph of their product that they actually purchased Hemp Seed Oil—which is lovely for a salad, but not quite the same thing at all. Hemp Seed Oil is a rich source of essential omega-3 and emega-6 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid, and proteins. It is full of great stuff!

How to Store CBD Oil

So to make sure your CBD products are not compromised, always keep them in a place where these elements are well controlled. Here are a few things you need to remember when it comes to storing CBD products:. Prolonged exposure to heat will definitely ruin your stash of hemp oil supplements and other CBD products. CBD oil does not have to be refrigerated, however, if you live in a hot, humid place it is a good idea to store it inside the fridge. The low temperature inside the fridge might thicken your CBD oil, so if this happens, just place the bottle under warm water and it should be ready for consumption in a few minutes. Another thing to avoid is leaving your CBD products in the car.

Should CBD Oil Be Refrigerated?

Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is becoming extremely popular in the mainstream health and wellness industries. CBD is available in many types of products including edibles, beverages, vape pens, and even beauty items and cosmetics. Many people prefer to keep a tincture of food-grade full-spectrum CBD oil on hand. While oil form is one of the easiest ways to ingest cannabidiol, storing it can be a different challenge altogether. Proper storage is vital for ensuring that CBD oil retains its effectiveness. As long as it is kept in proper conditions, CBD oil can be kept for many months. However, as with any natural product, cannabidiol does break down eventually with age. Heat and light exposure can spoil CBD oil, and moisture can break down the cannabidiol and even invite mold. Here are a few places not to store CBD oil:.

Properly storing your CBD products not only helps preserve their potency, but also the vital cannabinoids , terpenes , flavonoids , and other elements that make CBD such a sought-out wellness product.

We actually craft CBD with zero THC since there are some issues there anxiety, drug test, changes to the brain structure, addiction, etc. You now probably have "full-spectrum" CBD. Check out CBD isolate versus full spectrum as there are definitely differences there. Where we jump off affects refrigeration.

What Is the Shelf Life of CBD Oil? What Is the Best Way to Store CBD Oil?

Hemp-derived CBD is now available in countless types of products. Whether you prefer oils, tinctures, inhalable vapor, edibles, or beauty products, you will be able to find the mode of administration that suits your preference. Once you have chosen a CBD product, it is important to know how to store it properly to ensure that it stays fresh, safe and effective. CBD oils and edibles can be categorized as a food and health supplement which is why they are often stored with common food items in the kitchen. CBD salves can also be classified as cosmetics and are therefore stored with other skincare products. Because CBD is extracted from hemp, it is a plant-based substance. And just like any natural compound, CBD can deteriorate and break down with age. With proper storage, high-quality CBD products can preserve not only their cannabinoid content but other elements such as terpenes and flavonoids as well. Whether your CBD product of choice is oil, tincture, liquid concentrate, pill, gummy, or cream, it is essential to prevent exposure to direct light, humidity, and extreme heat to preserve the natural botanical properties of CBD. Light, heat, and air exposure can accelerate the breakdown of CBD and may shorten the shelf life of your product. Many hemp-derived CBD products come in packaging that is designed to provide protection from light damage. Do not expose CBD oil, edibles, salves and other products to direct sunlight. CBD content can degrade when placed near a sunny window, on a counter, or car dashboard. The most optimal place for storing your CBD product is the pantry where it is dark, dry, and cool.


Like anything natural we consume, CBD and other cannabinoids are subject to degrading over time. Tinctures are the most common way to use cannabidiol, where hemp extract is diluted in a carrier oil such as hemp seed oil or MCT coconut oil. As a result, keeping your oil in an airtight tincture bottle, stored in a cool and dark place is vital to ensure product stability. That might make you wonder, does CBD oil need to be refrigerated? Not necessarily, but it is the easiest way to store your purchase without looking for somewhere else cool and dark! If you are looking for other places to keep your CBD a cool cabinet away from light, a dry pantry, the basement or cellar are all ideal locations to store your CBD oil. Depending on the exact type of CBD oil , you have shelf life can vary. The quality, packaging and storage of the oil can all alter the period your bottle stays fresh for. On average, your new bottle of CBD can be kept fresh for between months since bottling with the right storage and if it is unopened.

The Shelf Life of CBD Oil: How Long Does it Last?

How to store CBD products correctly

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