Level 666 candy crush

Level 666 candy crush

Time to hoard, everyone! It's worth the effort until the day they "take a break" from the game. Sugar Drops require a three step cascade to trigger them so make big moves right out of the gate. They're all helpful, it's especially productive to bring in a color bomb on the bomby levels like The trick to is to avoid the UFOs and make as few wrapped candies as possible until the last few moves.

Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 666

After the bombs you would have to try hard to not beat the game. I will be playing this one more. I LOVE this level! Have seen this before on CCS: level is super easy on facebook, but nearly impossible on Android, pfff.

Looks impossible but combinations come along after you clear the bombs. Good fun did several times. Am I the only one who is having a problem with this level? No problem managing the high scores I have colour bombs galore Match them with any colour Still need over blues by the end And some games I don't even have the moves to stop the first bombs exploding Hate this level.

I was on this level two solid days. Didn't mind because it was fun but never came close to collecting enough blues. Switched to my desk top this morning and beat it first try. Three stars! Might just be my favorite level thus far, to the point where I've gone back and played it several times. Don't really know what to say to anyone having trouble clearing it after the early bombs are wiped out. There are combos everywhere you look, or at least they're one move away. If you have a color bomb and no striped or wrapped nearby, just pair it with a blue and wipe blues off the board.

What I did was combine any combos I could, anywhere I could, without worrying too much about colour. Agree with those saying the PC is the way to beat this level. Yes, it's fun, but only on the pc. Bombs not too much of an issue. I am getting this level on level !! I agree it is fun even though I haven't gotten it yet but I'm glad to read your comments for I've been puzzled why mine is different; oh, well, have fun now and maybe later too :. Finished this level weeks ago. I was going back on this level this past few days to collect sugar drops and I notice that the level has changed.

They added chocolate machines at the bottom part of the board. Yeah, they have changed it. Added chocolate machines and covered the bottom with chocolate. Chocolate always seems to reduce the fun factor. I find it's easier now, even with the chocolate machines. Far easier to reach the number of blues you need, but I use it as one of the approx. In fact, it's the first one I go to, because in a game, it's easy to collect over 30 sugar drops.

You will also get tons of color bombs, so if King offers a promotion where collecting them gets you free boosters, it's a go-to board for that. I play this level for sugar drops and last week saw that the chocolate was gone. Actually, the chocolate really never did impede the collection of sugar drops. This is really good for sugar drops when its available.

It is also very good for blue candy specials you can get the first booster reward after just a couple of games and can easily get all of them in no time. Remember this one! Also about the comment here about not needing help at this level-I'm on level and I still come to this blog for hints. I played this level just yesterday for sugar drops with no chocolate machines present. This morning I came back to do the same, and imagine my surprise when there they were.

I won the game, had accumulated 33 sugar drops, but could not collect them because the game froze. So in the end, I lost a life plus lost the 33 sugar drops I'd won. The good news is that after restarting my IPad, I tried again, and played and won again without the level freezing. I prefer this level sans the chocolate, however! So upset to see the chocolate appear on this level I keep trying this level because it's touted as being a good one to collect sugar drops.

But I lose it to bombs as often as not. I really need to quit playing this level. Sometimes I still manage over 40 sugar drops, even with the chocolate. King kind of ruined this level :. I want Dreamworld to have Level Maybe Level will have the same design as Level , being an erroneous copy of but with 3 colours!!! Do you like my Level suggestion?

What is going on with this level? Was great for sugar drops but King keep bloody messing with it. Never seems to be the same level within a day never mind day to day. King take it back to 66 moves and then leave it alone. King has changed this level by reducing the number of moves from 66 to 52 and they changed the program to reduce the number of candy drops given. I've noticed that King has made each level harder to play so playing candy crush is not as fun as it used to be several years ago.

Oh well. Post a Comment. Candy Crush Saga level Tips for level Candy Crush Saga. The first priority is to unlock and destroy the bombs before they count down to zero. Once that's taken care of all you need to do is look for colour bomb patterns.. Just keep making colour bombs and wraps.. Stripes are OK but only if matched with a wrap to cause maximum damage.

When you switch a colour bomb don't worry what colour candies you switch with. I try to use the colour that there are most of on the board. The more you remove, the more chance of cascades which will keep going and collect the blues you need. Keep a check on the numbers of blues you need.. I have found that for maximum points I try to keep the numbers of blues needed to around one tenth of the moves remaining, that way you don't finish too early and can get the most points..

Scores in the millions have been achieved on level The level has been changed slightly and waffles have been added which can get in the way a little, but it is still a very doable level.

Below is the latest video by Tzvi Marcu. Original video below. Be the first to see new videos. Subscribe to my Youtube channel. More tips from Adrian Gardner. If you've got this far you don't really need hints, but on this one just maximise damage DON'T focus on blues, just make good specials colour bombs or wraps when you can, fire off a special ideally in combo when u can't make one!

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In this order level you need to collect blue candies. • You have 66 moves in this level that means you will want to get about 11 blue candies. Tips for level Candy Crush Saga. The first priority is to unlock and destroy the bombs before they count down to zero. Once that's taken care of all you need.

The video below demonstrates how I completed the level. It will show you what the objective of the level is and how you can complete it as well. Level played by Tobias Deamon. During both stages I suggest you focus on the same thing and those are two things. Firstly, match candies near the bottom of the playing field as often as you can.

After the bombs you would have to try hard to not beat the game. I will be playing this one more.

Candy Crush level is the first level in Crunchy Courtyard and the th candy order level. To beat this level, you must collect blue candies in 66 moves or fewer.

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