Hemp cbd oil for restless leg syndrome

Hemp cbd oil for restless leg syndrome

Imagine a crawling, tingling, and painful sensation running up and down your legs every time you try to relax or fall asleep. Just when you fall asleep you unintentionally wake yourself up. This is the feeling people with restless leg syndrome RLS feel nearly every day. About 1 out of 10 Americans struggle with RLS.

The Best CBD for Restless Leg Syndrome – (Oils, Gummies, and Vapes)

Updated on May 6, Medical content reviewed by Dr. Joseph Rosado , MD, M. A, Chief Medical Officer. While both men and women may have restless legs syndrome, women are more likely to have the condition. You may find some relief from the symptoms of RLS by getting up and walking around, or by considering the treatment methods described below, including medical marijuana for restless legs syndrome.

Today, many experts recognize cannabis as a potential and legitimate treatment option for various diseases. After inhaling weed, five of the six patients in this study went into complete remission of their symptoms. One patient reported they experienced total relief after they consumed the non-psychoactive compound cannabidiol CBD found in the herb. All six patients found substantial improvements in their quality of sleep with cannabis and restless legs syndrome therapy.

When you lack sleep, it can result in many issues, such as:. For those suffering from RLS, the night can be an agonizing experience. You may find yourself experiencing hours of undesirable leg sensations that keep you awake and cause you to toss and turn in your bed just about every night.

Insomnia is a common side effect of RLS that can potentially affect your daily life significantly. Using marijuana for restless legs syndrome can help with insomnia related to this constant tossing and turning. It offers you a useful alternative to avoid some of the adverse side effects of other types of treatment. Cannabis for restless legs syndrome can make you sleepy and relieve your anxiety, enhancing its pain-relieving properties.

These abnormal sensations may include:. The following strains can help with RLS symptoms. Micro-dosing may suit you, but it could take some experimenting before you find the proper administration amount and method. If RLS keeps you up every night, exploring medical marijuana for restless legs syndrome may be an efficient and affordable alternative therapy choice for you to alleviate your symptoms and help you get the sleep your body needs.

At Marijuana Doctors, we can assist you in finding the right cannabis doctor in your state, if you live in a state where medical weed is legal. Cannabis offers so many patients a better choice at treating their symptoms, no matter what their condition is. Are you ready to join the medical marijuana program in your state?

Let our professionals help you finally get the right treatment. Schedule your appointment today with a medical marijuana doctor. Restless legs syndrome is a neurological disorder affecting anyone, at any age, though it often worsens as you age. It is a common condition, affecting more people than Type 2 diabetes.

Since many of the symptoms of RLS worsen in the evening, it often disrupts sleep. As a result, many people who have restless legs syndrome have a significantly diminished quality of life.

While there is no cure for restless legs syndrome, there are a variety of treatment methods, coping mechanisms and resources for support for people like you who are trying to live with RLS.

The symptoms of restless legs syndrome typically feel more pronounced when you are in a state of rest, such as sitting down to watch television or when you are trying to sleep at night. Many people describe the symptoms of RLS as twitchiness in the legs. Simply put, RLS symptoms may appear as the following:. The severity and frequency of RLS symptoms vary from one patient to the next. While most people who have restless legs syndrome find relief from the symptoms by moving around, in severe cases, even being active may not improve the sensations.

Some RLS patients may have difficulty falling asleep because of their condition, while others have trouble sleeping through the night. In moderate cases, patients may experience sleep disruptions once or twice a week. Unfortunately, this is enough time to impair your ability to function during the day.

The exact cause of RLS is unknown. There are several conditions strongly linked to RLS, including:. Some people may experience RLS symptoms as a side effect of medications as well. While prevention is difficult, since the specific cause of restless legs syndrome is unknown, you can take comfort in the fact that there are many potentially effective treatment options, including cannabis for restless legs syndrome, available to consider.

It can lead to feelings of:. The lack of quality sleep associated with RLS only adds to these emotional symptoms and can make them worse. Statistics related to sleep deprivation as a result of RLS provide a clue as to the economic impact of the condition.

While restless legs syndrome has only recently begun getting headlines and notice outside of the medical community, physicians have been documenting the disorder for centuries. The works of English doctor Sir Thomas Willis in the 17th century provided the earliest mentions of this previously relatively unknown disease.

Karl-Axel Ekbom in He had a particular interest in diseases combined with paresthesia and pain in the extremities. Recent advances in technology and our understanding of the condition have not yet revealed a cure for restless legs syndrome or its many symptoms, but there are many effective treatment options for patients like you to consider. Place a wrap around your feet before going to bed. The wrap applies constant pressure to the muscles in your feet throughout the night, telling the brain to relax your leg muscles and allowing you to sleep at night.

Doctors sometimes recommend non-surgical vein treatments, such as sclerotherapy, to treat varicose veins, which many physicians believe is an underlying cause of RLS symptoms.

These drugs may cause side effects including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and sedation. You should not take these medications while operating motor vehicles. There are also things you can do at home to help relieve the impact of symptoms on your daily life, including the following:. While the symptoms of restless legs syndrome are certainly uncomfortable and may interfere with your ability to sleep, as well as your quality of life, the condition itself is not life-threatening. There are plenty of treatments available to help you find relief from the symptoms, so you will be able to live a life as unaffected by the condition as possible.

How and Why Marijuana Can Be an Effective Treatment for Restless Legs Syndrome Today, many experts recognize cannabis as a potential and legitimate treatment option for various diseases.

When you lack sleep, it can result in many issues, such as: Damage to your immune system Anxiety Depression Loss of sex drive Insomnia Reduced mental capacity For those suffering from RLS, the night can be an agonizing experience. Granddaddy Purple Indica : Take this strain before you go to bed at night. It spreads through your body, leaving you with a sedated feeling, and eliminates your pain. The effects may last for several hours, giving you a lot of time to sleep.

However, it still produces a strong whole-body effect enabling you to focus on work. Therefore, it makes a helpful daytime treatment you can take if your RLS gets worse while sitting down. How to Become a Medical Cannabis Patient for Restless Legs Syndrome If RLS keeps you up every night, exploring medical marijuana for restless legs syndrome may be an efficient and affordable alternative therapy choice for you to alleviate your symptoms and help you get the sleep your body needs.

Simply put, RLS symptoms may appear as the following: Tingling, itching or crawling sensation deep inside your legs A compulsion to move your legs to relieve the sensations Restlessness, which often manifests as pacing the floor, tossing and turning in bed or unconsciously rubbing your legs Sleep disruptions Daytime sleepiness Involuntary movement or jerking of legs while sleeping or when at rest — even while awake The severity and frequency of RLS symptoms vary from one patient to the next.

Effects of Restless Legs Syndrome The effects of restless legs syndrome fall into two categories: physical and emotional. It can lead to feelings of: Isolation Loneliness Anxiety Depression The lack of quality sleep associated with RLS only adds to these emotional symptoms and can make them worse.

History of Restless Legs Syndrome While restless legs syndrome has only recently begun getting headlines and notice outside of the medical community, physicians have been documenting the disorder for centuries. Vein Treatments Doctors sometimes recommend non-surgical vein treatments, such as sclerotherapy, to treat varicose veins, which many physicians believe is an underlying cause of RLS symptoms.

Medications Doctors commonly prescribe the following medications to treat RLS symptoms. Horizant Mirapex Requip These drugs may cause side effects including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and sedation.

There are also things you can do at home to help relieve the impact of symptoms on your daily life, including the following: Practice stretching exercises before going to bed. Exercise your brain. Rather than sitting idly and resting in the evening, consider keeping your brain active by playing video games, doing crossword puzzles or even knitting. These things distract your mind and can help ease your RLS symptoms.

Choose aisle seats when traveling or going to movies, concerts or sports events. Doing so allows you to get up and move around if necessary without disrupting those around you.

Consider sitting on an exercise ball when watching television. Bounce and roll a bit during commercial breaks, and focus on balancing during the programming you are watching. Try calf massages before bedtime. Trade off with a partner or buy massaging equipment to do the work for you.

Working out the muscles in your legs may be the perfect solution to help relax them. Use warm and cold therapies for your legs. From ice packs to long soaks in a warm tub, you can find relief for RLS symptoms in these tried-and-true methods for relieving a variety of aches and pains.

Try them both, and choose the one that offers the most relief. Doctors Near You Please allow us to access to your location to find local doctors. Dispensaries Near You Please allow us to access to your location to find local dispensaries. Are You A Doctor? As Seen On:.

If you're struggling with restless leg syndrome, give CBD oil a try. cannabidiol, is a safe and legal chemical derived from the cannabis plant. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is real and there are millions of Americans who when I began seeing patients with RLS in my cannabis medicine practice.

As an Internist practicing for 35 years I have seen most common and many very uncommon illnesses. RLS is characterized by leg discomfort or pain that is only partially relieved by moving ones legs; hence the restless legs. RLS is an illness often difficult to treat with traditional allopathic meds, so I was interested in seeing what happening when I began seeing patients with RLS in my cannabis medicine practice. Well, now I have seen five patients with RLS.

Restless legs syndrome RLS is a condition that affects many people from different walks of life. The condition is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs and a terrible feeling of inexplicable restlessness.

Updated on May 6, Medical content reviewed by Dr.

Using CBD for Restless Legs May Help You Manage Your Symptoms

This is our best CBD product for restless leg syndrome sufferers who prefer their CBD in capsule form, rather than via an oil or topical cream. With a consistent 10mg of CBD in every capsule, this product allows for accurate dosing and can bring consistent reduction of RLS symptoms. See Product. All items come in the following CBD strengths: mg, mg, mg, or mg sizes. Full information can be found on their website.


Unfortunately, RLS often goes unrecognized or misdiagnosed as a number of other conditions. Although the medical community is becoming more adept at recognizing and treating the syndrome, it can be difficult for those suffering from it to find an effective way of alleviating their symptoms. Restless legs syndrome , also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease, is a nervous system disorder connected with the component of the nervous system that causes an urge to move the legs. This usually interferes with sleep, causing the condition to also be classified as a sleep disorder. RLS results in tingling, itching, and other uncomfortable or painful sensations in the legs. This results in a compulsive urge to move the legs in order to relieve the sensations. Symptoms of RLS also include daytime fatigue, unintentional movements, and general restlessness. While most of those who are severely affected are middle-aged or older, the syndrome can develop at any age.

That translates to more than 30 million people struggling to lead a normal life because of this disease. The exact cause of restless leg syndrome has not been discovered yet which makes it difficult to treat.

Willis-Ekbom disease, also known as restless leg syndrome , is a sensory and motor disorder that produces annoying sensations in the extremities when resting, especially the legs. To alleviate this feeling many people need to move around, causing other complications such as sleep disorders. However, because the symptoms vary greatly depending on the person, it is very difficult to diagnose and recommend effective treatment [1].

Cannabis for restless legs syndrome: a report of six patients.

The throbbing, pulling or creeping sensations of Restless Legs Syndrome RLS can be miserable—and affect at least one third of all women with fibromyalgia. These uncomfortable feelings and urge to move the legs are often triggered by trying to relax or sleep, making it hard to fall and stay asleep. And it is not just the legs, some people experience the restless sensations in their arms or over their whole body! Since sleep is already a huge issue in fibromyalgia, it is really important to be look for and treat any condition that is making sleep worse. There are definitely medications that can help ease these symptoms, but many of them have significant side effects. Some very effective natural treatments for Restless Legs Syndrome to consider are iron, magnesium and cannabidiol CBD. Iron for Restless Legs We know that restless legs is caused by low levels of the brain chemical dopamine, and many of the prescription treatments for RLS act to increase dopamine levels. There has long been a suspected connection between low iron levels and RLS , and people with iron deficiency anemia often experience restless legs symptoms. However people with normal iron blood levels can still experience RLS, and it appears that it is the level of iron that reaches your brain that matters, not the amount floating in your bloodstream. One of my patients with severe RLS and normal blood iron levels had her symptoms eliminated after a series of intravenous IV iron infusions, which is the most effective way to get iron into the brain. You want to find the amount of iron supplementation that keeps your ferritin around that optimal level of Some forms of iron can be hard on the stomach and cause nausea and constipation. I have found iron bisglycinate to be the best tolerated, my favorite is Opti-feren C by Pure Encapsulations. To optimize iron intake make sure to take it away coffee, tea, and calcium supplements as these can interfere with iron absorption. I often recommend taking any iron with dinner as most of us are not drinking coffee with dinner!

CBD Oil – A Natural Treatment for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

Update: January 24, It is a neurological condition that affects around one in ten people. Many sufferers have only mild symptoms, but for some, it is severe and can be a miserable condition to live with. The symptoms usually include a throbbing, tingling or crawling feeling in the legs, and sometimes in the arms or the rest of the body. These sensations are somewhat distracting and often very unpleasant, and are usually more intense at night-time resulting in a loss of sleep. To relieve these sensations, the urge to move around or rub the limbs becomes overwhelming. It is difficult to sit still or remain lying down for long periods of time as the compulsion to move is so strong.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

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