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Although vaporizers have been around for some time now, it is only in the last five to ten years that the benefits of vaporization have become widely known. Proper cannabis use has noticeable health benefits. In fact, nearly all of the health issues and problems associated with potentially harmful smoke including carcinogens, tar, etc. This is precisely what a vaporizer does.

Marijuana Consumption 101

M arijuana is a hot topic for discussion in the United States as of late. With an increasing number of states moving towards progressive marijuana legislation , more and more Americans are choosing to dip their toes into cannabis culture. With seemingly endless products and possibilities though, starting off on your marijuana journey can be a bit intimidating.

There are many decisions to make when selecting the right cannabis product for you and without any help or advice you may end up having a bad experience — or worse, not wanting to try cannabis ever again. With that being said, our goal at PotGuide is to make sure that everyone experiences cannabis to the fullest potential in a safe, comfortable and enjoyable manner. First things first, before we begin discussing consumption, it is important to understand a general overview of the cannabis plant and its path towards legalization.

Cannabis was first decriminalized in Oregon in Keep in mind, however, that decriminalization is far from any form of legalization. Differences aside , this was the first real step made towards progressing cannabis legislation in the United States at the time.

Several other states passed decriminalization measures throughout the seventies and up until the early nineties, culminating in a strengthened approach towards legalization. When we say legalization, we are not talking recreational, or adult-use, cannabis at this time. Think of the term legalization as any form of legalized cannabis i.

In the nineties, medical cannabis legalization was the golden word. In , California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana , creating a new industry for cannabis. The legalization of medical cannabis in California paved the way for other states to legalize medical cannabis and adopt their own laws and regulations. In just over 20 years, 28 states and Washington D. As the medical cannabis industry began to grow, so did the prospects about creating a legal, adult-use market.

Since then, Washington , Oregon , Alaska, California , Massachusetts , Nevada and Maine have also legalized recreational marijuana, creating a legal cannabis industry worth billions and counting. Recreational marijuana expanded the cannabis industry to unimaginable heights and brought a new type of consumer to the market — the pot tourist. Marijuana tourism is a booming industry that is proving to be a hit amongst newcomers and seasoned connoisseurs alike. Not to mention it is raising awareness for cannabis to many different audiences.

This spike in awareness could perhaps be the reason for increased public support for forms of cannabis legalization. According to a recent survey conducted by Quinnipiac , 62 percent of Americans support federal marijuana legalization and 93 percent support nationwide medical marijuana legalization. Whether you have any knowledge of consuming marijuana or not, this guide will help you get on the right track to smoking like a professional in no time.

Before you go out to a marijuana dispensary looking to make a purchase, however, consider doing a little pre-planning. Walking into a dispensary for the first time is like walking into a candy store as a kid. There are so many products and choices and the natural response is to want to try them all. So how do you choose the right product? Check out our article to find out everything you need to ask when searching for quality products that will suit your needs.

The first step to effective cannabis consumption is identifying and understanding what type of product you are consuming. Even though cannabis products contain similar psychoactive chemicals and properties, each type of product has its own method or methods for consumption. Use our guide to be sure you are consuming your cannabis safely and correctly at all times.

Inhaling the smoke or vapor from dried cannabis flower is perhaps the most traditional form of cannabis consumption known to man. But did you know there are multiple ways to smoke cannabis flower? Pipes can come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials, but generally are made of glass. You may have seen an old wooden, steel, corncob or even handmade pipe at one point like an apple or tinfoil rendition , but these types are of lower grade than glass.

They will get the job done just fine, but if a glass pipe is available, you might want to consider using that instead. Pipes are typically comprised of three components: a bowl, a mouthpiece and a carb hole. Similar to pipes, bongs can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but generally glass borosilicate in particular is considered the best quality. Some bongs have percolators and intricate designs, but the basic operating steps are essentially the same. Some bongs mainly acrylic or plastic have carb holes and work similar to a pipe.

The act of consuming cannabis through a joint or blunt, or any type of rolled flower , is fairly simple. The real challenge is getting the thing rolled up check out our videos below for help. Vaporizers are relatively new in terms of flower-consuming technology.

And while the other consumption options utilize combustion to deliver the cannabis, vaporizers use vaporization. Vaporization is unique in the fact that it does not combust the cannabis, rather, uses lower heats to create vapor from the flower that is then inhaled.

Flower vaporizers come in all shapes in sizes. From portable to desktop to anything in between, there is likely a vape out there to suit your taste. No matter which style you prefer, the function is pretty much the same throughout. For our purposes, we will discuss how to consume using a desktop-style vaporizer and a portable option.

Desktop vaporizers are great for at-home cannabis consumption and make an excellent option for consuming with a group of friends. These vaporizers are meant to be placed on a table and are not extremely portable. The typical set-up for a desktop vaporizer includes the heating element or box, a bowl and a whip. In some cases, the bowl will be attached to the whip, or removable with a glass on glass attachment.

Some desktop vaporizers, like the Volcano or Extreme Q , offer forced-air options that blow up bags of vapor instead of using a whip. Most desktop vaporizers can hold anywhere from. Portable vaporizers are becoming increasingly popular among cannabis consumers for their ease of use, portability and discreet nature. They come in all shapes and sizes and are great for on-the-go vaping and getting in a quick hit when nobody's looking. Portable vaporizers are probably the most diverse when it comes to functionality, but most of them include the following components: a bowl, battery and mouthpiece.

When it comes to consuming, the process is pretty simple. Infusing marijuana into food has been a favorite of stoners for many years, and almost everyone has a story about them.

From cookies and brownies to more obscure items like hot sauce, honey and cooking oils, there is truly no rock left unturned when it comes to edibles. In regard to consuming edibles, the process is quite easy. Simply choose and consume your favorite product! Consuming a cannabis-infused edible is no different than consuming your favorite non-infused snack, other than the fact that you will be in a more elevated state. There are several other factors to consider before eating an edible, like dosage, bioavailability and absorption method.

The most traditional format of consuming edibles are via absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. These products include cookies, pills and other snacks that are swallowed and processed within the liver before hitting our bloodstream. These edibles often take longer for the effects to kick in, but the high lasts longer and is great for chronic pain or sore muscles. Edibles absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract are often the culprits behind the stories of people getting too high or having panic attacks.

Edibles that are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract can take several hours to kick in, so be sure to wait until you feel effects to gauge if you actually need more. If you are new to cannabis though, it is likely that 10 mg will be an appropriate single dose. Sublingual cannabinoid absorption is the lesser common absorption method of the two, but is gaining popularity in legal markets. Meaning under the tongue, sublingual cannabinoid absorption works without digestion, as the cannabis is able to permeate the cells in the mouth and enter the bloodstream.

Because there is no digestion involved, the effects of sublingually absorbed cannabinoids come on much quicker than traditional edibles. Also, the effective dosage is much smaller, meaning the average person only needs around. Examples of sublingual edibles are tinctures and lozenges, but more products are hitting the market every day. Cannabis drinks and infused beverages tend to fit in a little bit for both edible categories mentioned above as there is a degree of both gastrointestinal and sublingual absorption happening during consumption.

Because of this, cannabis drinks provide consumers with a smoke-free and fairly rapid uptake that provides longer-lasting effects than with solely sublingual edible products. The most popular infused marijuana beverages are THC drinks, however, CBD drinks have been gaining in popularity as well.

There are many brands creating infused beverages to cater to this growing trend, resulting in some pretty awesome innovation.

Arizona-based Kalvara has been exploring ways to take infused beverages to the next level, and their nano-emulsification technology stands out as one of the most advanced production methods in the industry. With a background in the beverage industry, Kalvara set out to create a smoke-free, no-guesswork alternative to cannabis consumables that offers a fast-acting, precise dose of cannabinoids every time.

Their "Cannabis Cocktail" infusion technology allows consumers to easily ingest desired doses with rapid onset and high bio-availability. Even better, Kalvara's products can be easily added to other drinks to make a quick and tasty infusion.

As seen in companies like Kalvara, there is a strong urge for progress and advancement in the cannabis drink space and it seems like brands and product manufacturers are certainly up for the task. In an age where consumers are always demanding new and better products, the opportunity for innovation are seemingly endless.

Be sure to keep an eye out at your dispensary for infused beverage products, they may be the perfect cannabis consumption method for you! Concentrates are fairly new on the cannabis scene, but have been rapidly growing in popularity for several years. Similar to consuming edibles, the best advice for consuming concentrate is to start small. Consuming too much concentrate can lead to unpleasant effects and overwhelming highs.

In fact, many people prefer concentrates over flower because it is less harsh on the lungs and throat. For an in-depth look at concentrates, check out our comprehensive guide. There are several ways to consumer concentrates, all of which will produce great effects if done correctly. Probably the most popular form of concentrate consumption, dabbing is the process of touching an amount of concentrate onto a heated surface and inhaling the subsequent vapor.

A dab rig is typically a small glass water pipe with minimal percolation. The benefit of having a smaller piece is increased terpene flavor and an overall more robust dabbing experience. Butane or propane torches are used to heat up the nail or banger. The most common heating surface for taking dabs are nails and bangers.

Some of the information we hear about cannabis is conflicting, making it hard to Parents often have to weigh potential benefits and harms, and guide decisions The goal of open communication is to get your child talking and sharing their and help them identify both internal and external resources they can draw on to. What is CBD oil, is it legal in the UK and what are the benefits and risks of using it​? CBD oil products that have a higher THC content may be available to buy online, It found CBD oil helped the child safely reduce her anxiety and improve sleep. For all the above uses of CBD, more human studies are needed to draw​.

People who needed some relief. One of his customers is Shari Davis, who swears by the oil. She says she was unable to get out of bed after injuring her back last year.

Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine and get triple-tested recipes delivered to your door, every month. We asked a dietitian to take a closer look at this food supplement.

These links are from third-party sites and are provided as a courtesy to the reader. In compiling a list of conditions that CBD may help, we examined hundreds of peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals.

Alcohol & Other Drugs

PDF version Kb. This document is provided for informational purposes. The reader is encouraged to consult the Cannabis Act and the applicable regulations. In the event of any discrepancy between the legislation and this document, the legislation shall prevail. The reader is also encouraged to consult any other legislation that may apply to them or their activities, such as any applicable federal, provincial or territorial legislation.


We review and update this article as new research emerges. The last update was October , where we added more information about our cannabinoid research. This includes hemp oil, cannabis oil or the active chemicals found within the cannabis plant cannabinoids — whether natural or man-made. Many researchers worldwide are actively investigating cannabinoids, and Cancer Research UK is supporting some of this work. These studies use highly purified chemicals found in the cannabis plant, or lab-made versions of them, and there is genuine interest in these as potential cancer treatments. But this is very different to street-bought cannabis and hemp oil available online or on the high street, for which there is no evidence of any impact on cancer. Cannabis is still classified as a class B drug in the UK, meaning that it is illegal to possess or supply it. But we are supportive of properly conducted scientific research into cannabis and its derivatives that could benefit cancer patients. Unfortunately, there are many unreliable sources of information about cannabis, particularly online.

Some of the information we hear about cannabis is conflicting, making it hard to understand the ways it may affect our children.

M arijuana is a hot topic for discussion in the United States as of late. With an increasing number of states moving towards progressive marijuana legislation , more and more Americans are choosing to dip their toes into cannabis culture. With seemingly endless products and possibilities though, starting off on your marijuana journey can be a bit intimidating. There are many decisions to make when selecting the right cannabis product for you and without any help or advice you may end up having a bad experience — or worse, not wanting to try cannabis ever again.

What is CBD oil and is it safe?

Shipping cannabis is illegal. Currently, Evolab products are only available through licensed dispensaries in the state of Colorado, California, Arizona, Maryland, and Florida. You can search for the dispensary nearest to you by using our Store Locator or our Weedmaps page. We stand behind our products and want to make sure you have the best experience. If you ever have an issue or question, please reach out to our Customer Service department at customerservice evolab. AIO recharge video tutorial 1. Take the All-In-One out of the package. Take the silicone mouth cap off. Take quick puffs from the mouthpiece to prime the pen for an optimal experience. Once primed, take a slow steady inhale. The light on the end of the pen should light up. To refill, unscrew the top of the cartridge and refill with one of our Refill Kits 5.

Cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer – the evidence so far

The service is available to NSW doctors and health care professionals. It is operational during normal office hours — Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. The Therapeutic Goods Administration has released clinical guidance for doctors and consumers. Doctors and consumers should consult this guidance. Based at John Hunter Hospital in Hunter New England Local Health District, the service has been established in response to feedback that doctors need prompt access to expert advice about when a cannabis medicine might be an appropriate treatment option, which medicines are available and how to administer them.

How to Use a Vape Pen

NSW Health

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