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Back in October , the Canadian division of Walmart said that it was exploring the idea of selling cannabis-based products on their shelves, sending shares of Walmart Inc. A few months later in the U.

CBD Oil : The Beginner's Guide to Buying and Using CBD Oil for Pain and Anxiety Relief

By Lisa Fickenscher. The Post has learned that top executives at major chains such as Walmart and Target have been quietly meeting with makers of drinks, gummy bears, topical creams and oils that are infused with cannabidiol, or CBD. The chains, which also include big supermarkets such as Kroger and Safeway, are requesting samples of CBD products, along with lab results and pricing information, manufacturers said. Nevertheless, both chains are not only doing due diligence on CBD but also hatching plans for how to sell it, sources said. The coconut water brand is planning to roll out a version of its drinks this summer infused with hemp, a non-psychoactive component of marijuana that last December got removed from a list of illegal substances under federal law with the signing of the US Farm Bill. But the rollout will likely be limited to smaller chains and stores, Kirban said. Bigger retailers are waiting on a permanent FDA ruling on marijuana-based products, which is not expected until the end of this year at the earliest. Read Next. This story has been shared 2, times. This story has been shared 1, times. Would you like to receive desktop browser notifications about breaking news and other major stories? Not Now Yes Please. View author archive Get author RSS feed. Name required.

Walmart, Target quietly exploring CBD product lines

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