High thc cbd oil

High thc cbd oil

One would think that cannabis enthusiasts attending a marijuana advocacy event would be knowledgeable about cannabinoids. Not necessarily, according to the findings of a study by researchers from the University at Buffalo and the University of Michigan, who surveyed frequent cannabis users at an annual marijuana advocacy event held on the University of Michigan campus. The surprisingly low level of knowledge about tetrahydrocannabinol THC and cannabidiol CBD content, and effective dosages, demonstrated by Hash Bash participants highlights the need for additional public health education and research, according to Daniel Kruger, PhD, the lead author of the study, published online ahead of print today in the journal Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. They greatly overestimated how much THC and how much CBD was in various strains, and what the effective dosages were," said Kruger, a research associate professor of community health and health behavior in the UB's School of Public Health and Health Professions. Researchers surveyed nearly Hash Bash attendees, asking them to fill out a item questionnaire. Two-thirds of participants reported using cannabis every day, and most said it was for health or medical purposes.

Does CBD Oil Get You High? Here’s the Answer

There are few subjects that can stir up stronger emotions among doctors, scientists, researchers, policy makers, and the public than medical marijuana. Is it safe? Should it be legal? Has its effectiveness been proven? What conditions is it useful for? Is it addictive? How do we keep it out of the hands of teenagers?

Is medical marijuana just a ploy to legalize marijuana in general? Marijuana is currently legal, on the state level, in 29 states, and in Washington, DC. The Obama administration did not make prosecuting medical marijuana even a minor priority. President Donald Trump promised not to interfere with people who use medical marijuana, though his administration is currently threatening to reverse this policy.

Marijuana itself has more than active components. CBD-dominant strains have little or no THC, so patients report very little if any alteration in consciousness. Patients do, however, report many benefits of CBD, from relieving insomnia, anxiety, spasticity, and pain to treating potentially life-threatening conditions such as epilepsy.

The videos of this are dramatic. In particular, marijuana appears to ease the pain of multiple sclerosis, and nerve pain in general. This is an area where few other options exist, and those that do, such as Neurontin, Lyrica, or opiates are highly sedating. Patients claim that marijuana allows them to resume their previous activities without feeling completely out of it and disengaged.

I have also heard of its use quite successfully for fibromyalgia, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis , and most other conditions where the final common pathway is chronic pain. Marijuana is also used to manage nausea and weight loss and can be used to treat glaucoma.

A highly promising area of research is its use for PTSD in veterans who are returning from combat zones. Many veterans and their therapists report drastic improvement and clamor for more studies, and for a loosening of governmental restrictions on its study. This is not intended to be an inclusive list, but rather to give a brief survey of the types of conditions for which medical marijuana can provide relief.

As with all remedies, claims of effectiveness should be critically evaluated and treated with caution. Many patients find themselves in the situation of wanting to learn more about medical marijuana, but feel embarrassed to bring this up with their doctor.

This is in part because the medical community has been, as a whole, overly dismissive of this issue. My advice for patients is to be entirely open and honest with your physicians and to have high expectations of them. Tell them that you consider this to be part of your care and that you expect them to be educated about it, and to be able to at least point you in the direction of the information you need.

Very interesting post, may be worth noting that there is no real need for the THC element within the medical products, studies have shown that THC and CBD combined at a ratio is beneficial towards pain, however it has also been discovered that THC can modify our brains functions, making it hard for some people to continue with specific jobs. Cbd Has been discovered to be effective for pain without the use of THC, this is one of many reasons why it hit the world market with a storm, it allowed a person to relieve themselfs at a financial cost from pain but without the psychedelic side effects of the THC.

There is a big study happening in the UK at the moment, its still relatively new but its full supported by a big company the CBD Medical and Health Research is a very good read also, based on real human subjects.

The study linked above shows that THC is not needed for the effects that people look for when using CBD, it is THC that is truly illegal in most places around the world, and it is THC that is used to get a high, remove this element and the drug is far less likely to be abused, CBD is also known for helping with drug addictions and hold zero addictive properties.

Love this article and the best part is the author giving his peers advice to keep an open mind and to educate themselves so they can talk with their patients and assist them.

Brian, I encourage you to keep an open mind. Your response portrays a person bias towards cannabis. I encourage you to open your mind and so your research.

Check out The Sacred Plant Docuseries. Also would you mind supplying links to back your comments on THC having no benefits as well as any resource or scientific study that shows CBD can supply the same benefits as THC.

As a user and advocate of the Sacred Plant, I can share the health benefits from my own personal use. My husband just got diagnosed with Colon cancer when this blog was posted. We are eternally grateful to have access to Cannabis and the knowledge in making his medicine. Thank God for Rick Simpson and his oil discovery. I also look to history as our best and wisest teacher. Do you khow long Cannabis has provided medical relief benefits to millions of humans suffering. Finally, as a believer in God knowing He created hemp and cannabis and made both for our benefit, I look forward to the much needed studies that man prevented.

Man made it bad and now that millions are dying of disease man is rethinking his actions. THC does alter our thinking and for the better. Did you know cannabis consumption causes neurogenesis in adults? Did you know people have cured cancer ingesting Cannabis oil? Do you know all the ailments cannabis treats? Do you have any friends who have benefited from cannabis? Is the CBD oil explosion a health trend or fad? How many companies will make billions selling fake CBD oil because of this fad or trend?

Some questions to ponder since the media controls the marketplace. The points regarding no need for THC are not entirely accurate. Our daughter had great results using CBD oil to reduce epileptic seizures. But we saw total control by adding small doses of THC. There are methods available to minimize the issue of impairment with cannabis. THCa, the raw component in the plant, does not get a patient high.

THC needs to be decarboxylated usually by applying heat over F before it becomes psychoactive. A new powerful report published by the American National Academies of Sciences has examined the amount of research that has been published for years on the use of cannabis for medical or recreational purposes, establishing for the first time with a certain claritywhat are the positive and negative effects on proven health.

In order not to be deformed ,be informed. Overcome your lost of appetite, cure insomnia,. For your health prescriptions and medical purchases contact An. Do contact for supplies of. Feel free to contact us whenever you have a. I am 17 and have been using medical for about 2 years not smoking, just oil and making smoothies with the sun leaves and refuse to take prescription medication from the hospital, it has helped a LOT with my anxiety and depression, i cant even explain how much.

Two years ago my grandmother was diagnosed with a glioblastoma the size of a baseball, she started using the oil and started juicing to help shrink the tumor.

Although this year as soon as she stopped, the cancer came right back and she is in the hospital again now. I am really confused about this study.

I read lots of article which it says Marijuana have bad effect on brain in long term and some article says opposite. Could you introduce a reliable website I can read about Marijuana more?

Thank you! Hi Peter. My husband has been taking Xarelto AND Pletal as prescribed by a doctor despite pharmacists filling the prescriptions with a bit of shock and stating they should not be taken together since he had a DVT in his thigh. This happened after knee surgery in Jan , flying 13 hours in March totally unaware or warned by our doc that this was dangerous after surgery. He was inches from death for approx 6 days and then 10 days induced coma total in ICU, 1 month in hospital recovering thankfully learning to walk again etc.

Since then he has been on 10mg Xarelto night dose and mg Pletal morning dose and we have been too terrified to reduce the dose in any way even though the docs in Philippines said continue life long Xeralto and then wean off Pletal after 3 months, because the doc in Spain when we came back here said, leave it as it is.

Since then my husband and I have both lost weight. Ive lost over 40lbs and still losing as I was obese and am still overweight but its just naturally slowly coming off. They will not respond! While its legal here to use medical cannabis, the lack of knowledge by doctors here including a Dutch doctor, make it difficult to consult on the interaction and the possibility of what we desire, which is to cut down on his Xarelto and Pletal, even if its just incremental, i.

This is our hope, but we are on our own as far as knowledge of the two sides i. It will be we who decide IF to wean, which drug to wean off, or a bit of both, or all of one.. So finally to my question Whats the question? If his blood work comes back that all is ok re blood texture clotting etc, then weaning off is bad?

Why the muscle loss? He has also experienced some dizziness light headed this last year which again, timing wise, ties into the addition of FECO to his diet but Im not blaming the FECO, Im hoping the FECO is acting as a blood thinner and that we can reduce the Chem meds which according to studies Ive read with tears streaming down my face, have multiple side effects.

Since the incident in Ive suffered from PTSD and my sincerest wish is to if not have closure on this, to after 5 years, adjust his medication and see some sort of forward progress in that area. The idea of him taking this the rest of his life when it may be unnecessary is horrific. We do not have access to a medical doctor who is also familiar with cannabis, so Peter I ask of you with your background and your education and family history with your grandfather, do you feel we are on the right track?

Any advice? My husband seems healthy but his muscle loss over the last 7 months is dramatically visible and it frightens me him too quietly but he doesnt say much and he is tired a lot but at the same time very active. This is an ex rugby player, full of energy who moves and is busy all day. He should not be losing muscle mass. No one can answer our questions or even nudge us in the right direction.

A nudge from you would be very much appreciated. When have we crossed a line? He needs that muscle mass to take him through the rest of his life, his muscle mass at the time of the incident in is what saved his life without doubt..

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is derived from the Cannabis plant. trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), so they won't make you feel high. The research team point to findings from cannabis oil products demonstrating that labelling information for CBD and THC was often different.

As the United States becomes more acclimated to cannabis products, so does the number of questions surrounding cannabis and CBD oil. However, there are some key differences between the two chemical compounds. For starters, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound. Secondly, these two compounds also interact with different receptors in the body. Their interaction with the endocannabinoid system ECS produces different effects on the body.

There are few subjects that can stir up stronger emotions among doctors, scientists, researchers, policy makers, and the public than medical marijuana. Is it safe?

In recent decades, many breeders worldwide have concentrated on creating new strains with the highest possible THC percentage. THC is the active ingredient of cannabis that has made the plant popular, famous and notorious. Besides producing a strong cerebral stone that can quickly become sedative in large doses, Chem Berry D also boasts an interesting terpene profile that combines both fruity and chemical fuel aromas.

Medical marijuana

All rights reserved. As the once-vilified drug becomes more accepted, researchers around the world are trying to understand how it works and how it might fight disease. In Siberia charred seeds have been found inside burial mounds dating back to B. The Chinese were using cannabis as a medicine thousands of years ago. Then came Reefer Madness. Marijuana, the Assassin of Youth.

Top 5 High-CBD and High-THC Cannabis Strains

Jun 5, Medical Marijuana 32 comments. However, there is a great wealth of evidence to show that cannabis can help in a variety of chronic medical conditions. The marijuana plant is comprised of over chemicals , known as cannabinoids, with each of these having different effects on your body. The two main chemicals used in the medicinal application of marijuana are:. Recreational marijuana is pot that is used without medical justification. Marijuana is produced from the hemp plant that was traditionally used for making ropes and sails back in the 17th century. You may not have known this and might think pot is a drug of the 60s, but people have been using the plant medically for generations. With all the misconceptions and misinformation available about marijuana, the following facts from Leaf Science might surprise you:. So, you see, medically speaking, people have long known about the vast benefits of medical marijuana.

The cannabis for this programme is grown in a secret location in the UK. It is expected that the product will be marketed in the US in late

The main intoxicating ingredient in cannabis is deltatetrahydrocannabinol THC. While federal laws in the United States classify marijuana as a Schedule I substance, stifling research into possible benefits, adult-use and medical marijuana legalization has helped unearth more information on this complex plant. THC is an agonist, or activator, of the cannabinoid 1 CB1 receptor. When cannabis is given to people who have had their CB1 receptors blocked by a different drug, called an antagonist , cannabis cannot get them high.

What Is the Difference Between Medical vs Recreational Marijuana?

Share your location to get the most relevant content and products around you. Leafly keeps personal information safe, secure, and anonymous. By accessing this site, you accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We use cookies to enable essential features of our site and to help personalize your experience. Learn more about our use of cookies in our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe from Leafly email messages anytime. Bioavailability refers to the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into your bloodstream to be used where needed. Physiological processes and consumption methods can affect cannabis absorption, rendering its effects somewhat hit-and-miss. The more bioavailable your cannabis, the lower the quantity of the plant you need to reap its benefits. The surge in cannabis popularity can be partly attributed to the range of consumption methods available. Edibles and tinctures can have less of the stigma traditionally associated with joints.


When it comes to marijuana strains, there are a few select strains that have become famous. These strains have become household names in some circles and perennial best sellers in legal dispensaries across the U. However, just because these strains are popular does not mean that they are the strongest marijuana strains featured on dispensary shelves. That would be like assuming Folgers makes the strongest coffee, or Lipton makes the strongest tea. Below, we detail the strongest marijuana strains in the world, listing both high-THC and high-CBD strains of marijuana. Medical Marijuana, Inc. Our list includes marijuana strains that are old favorites like ChemDog and Cannatonic that have developed a well-deserved reputation for their potency. However, our list also features newcomers like Desert Ruby, Strawberry Banana, and Cali Cure that are creating quite an impression on even the most seasoned cannabis users.

Frequent cannabis users are way too high ... in their estimates of cannabinoids

High THC Cannabis Oil

Most THC and CBD oil goes to waste in your body—here’s why

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