Hemp derived cbd oil benefits

Hemp derived cbd oil benefits

Consumers looking to explore the potential benefits that cannabidiol CBD promises are often confronted with some confusion when it comes to terminology. Often housed in 1-ounce glass bottles, CBD oil products can list a variety of names on the label. Shoppers walking through their local health food store may encounter yet another label ingredient — hemp seed oil. There are two main sources of CBD oil — hemp and marijuana plants. Molecularly, it makes no difference if the CBD is extracted from hemp or marijuana.

Cannabidiol (CBD) — what we know and what we don’t

The buzz around CBD has launched it to the forefront of many treatment regimens as a promising product that can effectively treat or manage many symptoms, but what is the difference between hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD oils?

One is available widely online from sites like DiscoverCBD. If you find yourself asking whether hemp- or medical marijuana-derived CBD is better for you then this is a must read. In this article , we will explore the pros and cons of both hemp- and medical marijuana-derived CBD and help you decide which one is right for you. The differences between hemp and marijuana are not immediately obvious. According to the USDA:.

Marijuana typically contains 3 to 15 percent THC on a dry-weight basis, while industrial hemp contains less than 1 percent Blade, ; Vantreese, Most developed countries that permit hemp cultivation require use of varieties with less than 0. However, the two varieties are indistinguishable by appearance.

DeMeijer et al. As you can see, hemp and marijuana are not that different from each other and only vary majorly in terms of THC content. For more clarification, we reached out to the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines for their definition of "medical marijuana" and were answered by Franjo Grotenhermen via email:.

I do not use this term. Transcribed from an email written by Franjo Grotenhermen of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines cannabis-med.

I posed the same question to Mary's Medicinals of Colorado who specializes in high CBD medical marijuana and this was their response:. With this in mind, a clear answer to the differences between hemp- and marijuana-derived CBD seemed less clear. Turning to experts again, we asked Franjo Grotenhermen about the differences between the two:. The human body does not care where the molecule comes from. More than 70 different cannabinoids and over other constituents of cannabis such as terpenoids and flavonoids have been identified in the cannabis plant.

In fact, the U. Medical marijuana, unlike hemp, regularly has high levels of THC and CBD in its plants and concentrates which is an added benefit for some people. So, how much THC is needed for the synergistic effect? Hemp plants also have THC, but in much smaller concentrations, making it a good starting point with cannabis. Joanie Bell from Hemp Health Inc. Some ailments need higher levels of THC.

That is the time to look at the MMJ side. Hemp is … a good starting point for many. Given the information above, we can conclude that the CBD quality is the same whether you are using a hemp or marijuana plant, and the only real difference is the addition of THC from marijuana. So the question should not be which one is better, but what will be best for you and your lifestyle?

In addition, legality within the state and country you live must be taken into consideration. To make this easier, we have included a quick reference guide showcasing the major points of both choices. However, keep in mind that some things are not easily categorized. For example, low amounts of THC can be seen as a benefit or a drawback depending on your situation and needs.

At this point, multiple states are already selling medical marijuana or are looking to jump on board; however, there are still other states that may never be open to the idea of medical marijuana.

Because every individual responds differently to CBD and THC, it is up to the consumer to decide what is best for themselves. Hopefully, the information presented here and on the rest of the website will help you make a more informed decision on the CBD products you purchase. We wish to extend a warm thank you to all of our contributors. Cart 0. The Difference Between Hemp and Medical Marijuana The differences between hemp and marijuana are not immediately obvious.

The Rest of the Story More than 70 different cannabinoids and over other constituents of cannabis such as terpenoids and flavonoids have been identified in the cannabis plant. Unavailable Sold Out.

Could Reduce Anxiety and Depression. Can Alleviate Cancer-Related Symptoms.

That something turned out to be taking cannabidiol, aka CBD. And yet the buzz is so strong that to say CBD-infused products are selling like hotcakes would be an understatement. That product is CBD oil. This is the type of CBD sold over the counter in nutrition stores and supermarkets, added to lattes in cool coffee shops, and infused into luxe beauty products.

Cannabidiol CBD has been recently covered in the media, and you may have even seen it as an add-in booster to your post-workout smoothie or morning coffee. What exactly is CBD?

The buzz around CBD has launched it to the forefront of many treatment regimens as a promising product that can effectively treat or manage many symptoms, but what is the difference between hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD oils? One is available widely online from sites like DiscoverCBD. If you find yourself asking whether hemp- or medical marijuana-derived CBD is better for you then this is a must read.

Hemp-Derived CBD Oil

We would like to give you a little background about hemp derived CBD and what it means. The hemp plant and the medical cannabis plant are different varieties of the same plant species, Cannabis Sativa. Because hemp and medical cannabis share the same genetic lineage, the chemical makeup of the two varieties are identical, only the quantity of THC separate their classifications. This means that both hemp and cannabis derived CBD can be medically beneficial. These products can be used instead of or in addition to THC products. Here are some of our nurse chosen CBD products, which have specific helpful applications:.


Compared to whole plant CBD -rich cannabis, industrial hemp grown for fiber or seed is typically low in cannabinoid content. If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal and available, look for CBD products made from cannabis. Cannabis has been an ally of humankind since before the written word, providing fiber for cordage and cloth, seeds for nutrition, and roots, leaves and flowers for ritual and healing. In the botanical world, there are, broadly speaking, two kinds of cannabis — hemp plants and drug plants. Hemp plants include plants grown for fiber and plants grown for seed oil. The main difference between hemp plants and drug plants is resin content. Industrial hemp plants are low-resin plants. Industrial hemp varieties are typically grown from pedigree seed, yielding as many as one hundred tall, skinny, bamboo-like plants with skimpy foliage per square meter. These plants are machine harvested and manufactured into many different products like paper, cloth, and edible oil.

Cannabidiol CBD has become an increasingly common fixture in medicine cabinets and on the shelves of local convenience stores and major drugstores.

If you pay any attention to the world of marijuana or even the world of politics, you have probably heard about this plant called hemp. So, what is hemp?

What is CBD Oil?

By Jeffrey Stamberger. Cannabidiol is just one of over 85 cannabinoids presently identified in the cannabis plant. First discovered in the late 's, the endocannabinoid system regulates the body's homeostasis, or general state of balance. Like an acrobat on a highwire, as the environment around us impacts our normal balance, the endocannabinoid system "connects" by mediating our body's reaction to keep us level. Once absorbed, CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid system by interacting with its cannabinoid receptors. This interaction makes the endocannabinoid system more active so that it can better regulate the body and keep functions in balance and ensure that they run optimally. CBD and its natural balancing benefits promote overall wellness and simply help you feel better. CBD oil made from hemp is non-intoxicating and will not cause any euphoric effects, but how using CBD oil makes you feel can vary from person to person. Some of our regular CBD consumers have reported an awakening effect after using the product while others have said they experience a heightened sense of calm. You may notice certain natural effects of CBD oil as you begin to incorporate the product into your daily health routine.

Cannabis Oil vs. Hemp Oil

Cannabidiol or CBD is a promising phytocannabinoid found in agricultural hemp. Agricultural hemp can be imported legally into the United States and state departments of agriculture and institutions of higher learning can also legally grow hemp for research. Hemp has been cultivated by civilizations for about 12, years. Agricultural hemp comes from the Cannabis sativa L. It looks like bamboo and grows about 10 to 15 feet before harvest. CBD oil extracted from agricultural hemp does not result in feelings of euphoria, as opposed to marijuana-derived CBD, which contains a psychoactive chemical compound called THC. Hemp-derived CBD oil does offer health benefits. Humans have an endocannabinoid system ECS , a central regulatory system that helps balance you. The ECS is made of cannabinoid receptors, endogenous self-made cannabis-like compounds, and enzymes that create and inactivate them in the human body.

What is hemp derived CBD and what can it do for me?

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