Spectrum cbd oil

Spectrum cbd oil

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Full Spectrum Hemp Oil

Spectrum Therapeutics is an international medical cannabis company that raises the standard of care for patients with unmet medical needs. We make it easy for patients and healthcare professionals to understand how to optimize the therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis. Already a member? Thank you for visiting Spectrum Therapeutics. You need to be of legal age to enter this site. Spectrum products are available as softgels, ingestible oil, and dried flowers.

Softgels are filled with extracted cannabis resin dissolved in a food-grade carrier oil in a dosed form. They offer you a convenient and discreet option for your medication. Concentrated cannabis resin, containing cannabinoids and other active compounds, is extracted from cannabis flowers that have undergone thermal decarboxylation, then diluted with a food-grade carrier oil to make a product for you to take orally from a syringe.

Whole flowers from the female cannabis plant are harvested, the stem and leaves are trimmed, and then the flowers are dried to a specific moisture content. Milled cannabis contains the same active ingredients as dried whole flowers and is ready for use in a vapourizer. Vapourizers heat cannabis flowers or cannabis extract at a lower temperature than smoking, which releases the active compounds as vapour rather than smoke. Inspired by our unique colour-coding categorization system, Spectrum Therapeutics makes product selection easier than ever before.

As the range of Tweed and CraftGrow brands and products will change in the Shop over time, we recommend the Spectrum Therapeutics brand when consistent access to the same product is important to you and your condition. If you have been taking a Tweed product that is no longer carried or available in our store, we have created a comprehensive table for you to explore alternative options.

The goal of this table is to support treatment decisions with products most similar to what you have been taking, when a change is necessary.

Learn More. All of our cannabis products pass through a rigorous QA program that is regulated and inspected by government authorities. Our robust testing meets stringent criteria for product safety and reproducibility of the content of the key bioactive compounds, including THC and CBD.

We perform additional testing to provide healthcare providers and patients with extra information that can help them choose the products they require. Each trial size offers smaller amounts of medical cannabis products to provide a cost-effective way to find a dosage and format that works for you. Vapourizers are an alternative way to inhale cannabis, delivering effects within seconds to minutes for patients who require fast delivery of active ingredients.

They also offer an alternative to smoking to deliver medical cannabis to the body. Since , the developers of the original vapourizer have transformed the cannabis industry. These vapourizers heat dried cannabis flowers. The next generation of vapourizer technology contains cannabis extract and terpenes in an easy-to-use, portable design.

The vape is composed of two parts: a cartridge filled with cannabis extract and a separate battery unit designed to fit threaded cartridges. JUJU Power is a rechargeable battery unit, compatible with most cannabis vape cartridges. In fact, we designed our vape formulations and vape hardware in tandem throughout the development process to ensure optimal performance when paired with JUJU Power.

By building a program that gathers passionate and skilled producers together in one place, Spectrum Therapeutics is able to bring to our patients the best variety of cannabis from some of the most innovative producers in the country. Curating quality. We've partnered with outstanding cannabis producers from across Canada to deliver curated medical cannabis products to our patients. Providing variety. Every patient is different, and every condition requires a unique approach.

CraftGrow provides our customers options when it comes to finding a range of medical cannabis that best addresses their needs. The small-batch nature of these releases will provide variety to Spectrum medical customers, but because of the smaller scale, may not always be available for reorder. Signing up for promotional emails is limited to Canadian residents. Welcome Spectrum Therapeutics is an international medical cannabis company that raises the standard of care for patients with unmet medical needs.

Learn more about how Spectrum Therapeutics can help you. Please verify your age to explore the complete website. Year Remember me for 30 days. I confirm that this is not a shared device.

Log in as a patient Opens in a new tab Log in as a health professional. Go Back. Click here to read. Choosing the right product for you Spectrum products are available as softgels, ingestible oil, and dried flowers. Cannabis Oil. Dried Flowers. Our Products. Shop Opens in a new tab. THC Dominant. CBD Dominant. Quality Assurance. Disintegration time testing for softgels to ensure they rapidly release their contents upon ingestion.

Additional bacterial tests to ensure absence of Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas. Testing for over 96 pesticides, including myclobutanil.

Trial Sizes. Partnering with premier brands. Vapourizer Technology Has Evolved. We are proud to partner with pioneers in vapourizer technology. Learn more. JUJU Power. Explore CraftGrow. CraftGrow — Our Partner Brands. The Spectrum. Learn more about this unique colour-coding system designed to simplify product selection.

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Spectrum Therapeutics is an international medical cannabis company that raises the standard of care for patients with unmet medical needs. We make it easy for. Pure Spectrum CBD, a family of brands born in the mountains of Evergreen, Colorado providing THC Free, 3rd-Party Tested, USA Grown, CBD Wellness.

Spectrum Therapeutics is an international medical cannabis company that raises the standard of care for patients with unmet medical needs. We make it easy for patients and healthcare professionals to understand how to optimize the therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis. Already a member? Thank you for visiting Spectrum Therapeutics. You need to be of legal age to enter this site.

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Shipping from Colorado, USA. Subscribe to any product to become a Ned North Star Member!

Full Spectrum CBD Tincture

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. This provides a convenient and affordable way to consume our high-quality hemp extract. Each bottle contains 30 servings and can be taken day or night. All of the Medterra's Tinctures, regardless of potency, are offered in a one-ounce bottle and contain 30, 1mL servings. The dropper applicator has measurement markers on it 0.

Full Spectrum Tincture

To understand how hemp oil products work in the body, you need to first understand the endocannabinoid system ECS , a part of the mammalian central nervous system. The ECS is thought to play a crucial role in many bodily functions, including appetite, sleep, mood, and injury mitigation. When things get out of balance, the ECS steps in to bring order to the chaos, also known as homeostasis. Our bodies have two networks of cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are found in our connective tissues, gonads, organs, and throughout the nervous system. CB2 receptors are mostly dispersed through the immune system and related organs. Chemicals contained in hemp plants, known as phytocannabinoids, are similar enough to the endocannabinoids in our bodies that they too can have a profound effect on our ECS. There are more than 80 known plant-produced cannabinoids — all of which effectively mimic the endocannabinoids 2-AG and AEA that are produced in the body. These known phytocannabinoids are actually cannabinoid acids that synthesize during production by a heating process known as decarboxylation into recognizable compounds like CBD and THC.

Cannabidiol, or CBD oil, is a popular natural remedy. People are buying CBD tinctures to help with pain, anxiety and sleep issues.

Looking for a larger size tincture? Check out our Large Format Tincture. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No products in the cart.

Part 1: Why Full Spectrum CBD Works Better than CBD Isolate

Powered by Shopify. Humans have been using whole-plant medicines since the dawn of time — and CBD oil is part of this tradition. But these purified drugs are typically less effective — or have undesirable side effects when compared to the whole plant. Here are some of the findings that helped researchers understand that the entourage effect is real:. THC is the most abundant and psychoactive compound in cannabis, so everyone first assumed it was also the active ingredient behind all the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. On the other hand, when scientists use whole-plant extracts or study people who regularly smoke or consume cannabis products with higher CBD content, the positive effects are stronger and the negative side effects decrease or even reverse. For instance, botanical extracts are more effective at fighting breast cancer cells than THC alone, and the anxiety induced by THC is reduced by CBD — and probably other cannabinoids as well. Not learning their lesson the first time, scientists next focused their attention on CBD as a standalone therapeutic molecule. Unfortunately, the bell-shaped curve means that purified CBD has limited usefulness — because its effective dose is narrow and difficult to pinpoint. However, when scientists repeat their experiments with a full-spectrum, CBD-rich extract, the bell-shaped response disappears. In a study involving inflammation in the paws of mice, researchers observed that purified CBD was only anti-inflammatory at a moderate dose, whereas a CBD-rich extract became more effective with a higher dose.

The Definitive Guide to Full Spectrum Hemp Oil

Full spectrum means that an oil or product contains all the cannabinoids that are naturally occurring in the cannabis plant. Full spectrum products are commonly considered more effective than products that are CBD isolate derived. Products that are isolate derived will only contain the isolated CBD molecule. These terms often surface casually in conversations pertaining to CBD and its various forms. So, what else are you getting with a full spectrum product besides CBD? The short answer is you are getting more than different cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.

What Does Full Spectrum Mean?

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