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Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte's Web Contents I. Before Breakfast II. Wilbur III. Escape IV. Loneliness V. Charlotte VI. Summer Days VII. A Talk at Home IX. Wilbur's Boast X. An Explosion XI. The Miracle XII. Good Progress XIV. Dorian XV. The Crickets XVI. The Egg Sac XX. It's very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. So your father has decided to do away with it. Just because it's smaller than the others? Arable put a pitcher of cream on the table.

The pig would probably die anyway. The grass was wet and the earth smelled of springtime. Fern's sneakers were sopping by the time she caught up with her father. Arable stopped walking. Arable, "I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along! If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me? Arable smiled. A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another.

He seemed almost ready to cry himself. I'll let you start it on a bottle, like a baby. Then you'll see what trouble a pig can be. Arable returned to the house half an hour later, he carried a carton under his arm. Fern was upstairs changing her sneakers. The kitchen table was set for breakfast, and the room smelled of coffee, bacon, damp plaster, and wood smoke from the stove.

Arable set the carton down at Fern's place. Then he walked to the sink and washed his hands and dried them on the roller towel. Fern came slowly down the stairs. Her eyes were red from crying.

As she approached her chair, the carton wobbled, and there was a scratching noise. Fern looked at her father. Then she lifted the lid of the carton. There, inside, looking up at her, was the newborn pig.

It was a white one. The morning light shone through its ears, turning them pink. And may the good Lord forgive me for this foolishness.

He's absolutely perfect. First she kissed her father, then she kissed her mother. Then she opened the lid again, lifted the pig out, and held it against her cheek. At this moment her brother Avery came into the room. Avery was ten. He was heavily armed--an air rifle in one hand, a wooden dagger in the other. That's a fine specimen of a pig--it's no bigger than a white rat. As a result, she now has a pig. A small one, to be sure, but nevertheless a pig. It just shows what can happen if a person gets out of bed promptly.

Let's eat! Arable found a baby's nursing bottle and a rubber nipple. She poured warm milk into the bottle, fitted the nipple over the top, and handed it to Fern. A minute later, Fern was seated on the floor in the corner of the kitchen with her infant between her knees, teaching it to suck from the bottle. The pig, although tiny, had a good appetite and caught on quickly. The school bus honked from the road.

Arable, taking the pig from Fern and slipping a doughnut into her hand. Avery grabbed his gun and another doughnut. The children ran out to the road and climbed into the bus. Fern took no notice of the others in the bus.

She just sat and stared out of the window, thinking what a blissful world it was and how lucky she was to have entire charge of a pig. By the time the bus reached school, Fern had named her pet, selecting the most beautiful name she could think of.

She was still thinking about the pig when the teacher said: "Fern, what is the capital of Pennsylvania? The pupils giggled. Fern blushed. She loved to stroke him, to feed him, to put him to bed.

Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him. Every afternoon, when the school bus stopped in front of her house, she jumped out and ran to the kitchen to fix another bottle for him.

She fed him again at suppertime, and again just before going to bed. Arable gave him a feeding around noontime each day, when Fern was away in school. Wilbur loved his milk, and he was never happier than when Fern was warming up a bottle for him.

He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring eyes. For the first few days of his life, Wilbur was allowed to live in a box near the stove in the kitchen.

Then, when Mrs. Arable complained, he was moved to a bigger box in the woodshed. At two weeks of age, he was moved outdoors. It was apple-blossom time, and the days were getting warmer. Arable fixed a small yard specially for Wilbur under an apple tree, and gave him a large wooden box full of straw, with a doorway cut in it so he could walk in and out as he pleased. Wilbur ran to her and she held the bottle for him while he sucked. When he had finished the last drop, he grunted and walked sleepily into the box.

Fern peered through the door. Wilbur was poking the straw with his snout. In a short time he had dug a tunnel in the straw. He crawled into the tunnel and disappeared from sight, completely covered with straw.

Fern was enchanted. It relieved her mind to know that her baby would sleep covered up, and would stay warm. Every morning after breakfast, Wilbur walked out to the road with Fern and waited with her till the bus came. She would wave good-bye to him, and he would stand and watch the bus until it vanished around a turn. While Fern was in school, Wilbur was shut up inside his yard.

But as soon as she got home in the afternoon, she would take him out and he would follow her around the place. If she went into the house, Wilbur went, too. If she went upstairs, Wilbur would wait at the bottom step until she came down again. If she took her doll for a walk in the doll carriage, Wilbur followed along.

Charlotte's Web. Contents I. Before Breakfast II. Wilbur III. Escape IV. Loneliness V. Charlotte VI. Summer Days VII. Bad News VIII. A Talk at Home IX. Wilbur's. Charlotte's Web CBD (cannabidiol) oils contain plant-based cannabinoids and other beneficial phytocompounds for a full spectrum of plant-powered goodness.

It's very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. So your father has decided to do away with it. Just because it's smaller than the others? Arable put a pitcher of cream on the table. The pig would probably die anyway.

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Charlotte's Web Contents I. Before Breakfast II.


Charlotte's Web is a children's novel by American author E. The novel tells the story of a pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte. Young Fern saves Wilbur, the runt of the new litter of pigs on her father's farm, from an untimely death. Growing bigger and strong, Wilbur is bought by Fern's relatives, the Zuckermans. The Zuckerman farm is a strange and unfamiliar place where Wilbur searches for a friend. The sheep, the goose, and the rat all have their own business to attend to, and just when Wilbur begins to feel very sad and alone, he meets Charlotte, a spider who lives up in the rafters of the barn.

Charlotte's Web is based on E. White's loving story of the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a little gray spider named Charlotte. Wilbur has a problem: how to avoid winding up as pork chops! Charlotte, a fine writer and true friend, hits on a plan to fool Farmer Zuckerman. She will create a "miracle. This treasured tale, featuring madcap and endearing farm animals, explores bravery, selfless love and the true meaning of friendship. Adaptation by Joseph Robinette Based on the novel by E. In , Charles Sergel, a journalist and a young man with a lifelong interest in theater, founded The Dramatic Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois.

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